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Song of the Chapter: Lonesome Love - Mitski

- Celebrity Crush -


BRADY SAT IN A CHAIR in front of Jimmy Fallon who was interviewing him with a huge smile plastered on his face as he looked over the large crowd in front of him

"Today we are joined by Brady Noon who just recently voiced Raphael in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and has another movie coming out soon called family switch everyone give it up for Brady" The crowd cheered and clapped while Brady waved at them, keeping the smile plastered on his face

"So Brady I may or may not have heard that you might have a celebrity crush on someone around your age. Care to share?" Jimmy clasped his hands in front of him as the crowd roared making Brady laugh

"She is actually 10 months younger than me but yes I do have a celebrity crush" Brady laughed as the crowd cheered even more. Jimmy leaned forward in his chair looking at Brady who was just smiling wildly.

"Okay so SPILL. Tell us who it is" Jimmy called out, the crowd roaring in response

"It's actually uhm Artemis Scobell. My brother and I saw her in concert when we were in LA and then I went home and watched a couple of her movies and uhm yeah" Brady rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he chuckled, looking forward at the crowd who were roaring with cheers and clapping

"You heard it here first folks, Brady Noon's celebrity crush is Artemis Scobell" Jimmy laughed looking forward at the boy to continue the interview but the entire time Brady couldn't get the smile to leave his face at the thought of Artemis


BRADY WAS SITTING in his hotel room next to his brother Connor after the interview had ended when his phone started buzzing beside him, a facetime call from Walker popping up on his screen

"Hey walker what's up?" Brady answered the phone quickly pulling the screen up to his face to see Walkers unamused look

"Did you seriously just admit on live television that MY SISTER is your celebrity crush?" Walker questioned with a straight face making Brady's cheeks turn bright red out of embarrassment

"The interview is already out?" Brady questioned with a nervous chuckle, looking over at his brother who was trying his hardest not to laugh

"PEOPLE ARE POSTING ABOUT IT ALL OVER TIKTOK" At this point Brady could tell Walker was trying not to laugh but it wasn't really working as they both ended up bursting into fits of laughter

"Are they making ship edits or something?" Brady chuckled looking at Walker who was also laughing at this point

"Yes they are and i'm getting tagged in ALL OF THEM." Walker shouted laughing when a female voice interrupted his sentence

"HEY WALKER?" The female voice yelled from behind the door making Walker look back

"Yeah Art?" Walker yelled back watching as the door cracked open slightly

"Did you take my computer charger?" The girl looked up at Walker causing Brady to catch a glimpse of her face. She had her blonde hair in a messy bun and was wearing as oversized hoodie, glasses hanging loosely on her nose

"Yeah it should be plugged in right there" Walker pointed to his bed watching as his sister finally saw the charger, unplugging it before saying bye and walking out of the room

"She's so pretty" Brady swooned staring at the phone while Walker gagged

"DUDE STOP TALKING ABOUT MY SISTER LIKE THAT" Walker yelled, making all three of the boys bust into laughter before they parted ways and went to bed


author speaks!
I hope y'all enjoyed the prologue first chapter will be up soon

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