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Song of the Chapter: Falling Behind - Laufey

Chapter Eight
- Bad Feelings -
( messages, narrative)


ARTEMIS WOKE UP to the orange glow of the sun flowing through her apartment window. Her brother was curled up into her side snoring lightly and she smiled softly laying a kiss on his head before grabbing her phone off the nightstand, seeing a message from her favorite volleyball player

- 🌼🌼🌼 -

( 2 new messages )

goodmorning arty
how did you sleep

i slept pretty good
walker is currently cuddled up next to me bc he couldn't sleep so i let him sleep with me

oh i couldn't sleep either think i could come sleep with you 😋
i'm just kidding
i slept really good
but i've got a question

ask away young padawon

i regret ever making you watch star wars
i wanted to know if you would want to come to the family switch premier

why do i feel like there's a but
what's the catch

you and milo have rehearsals on the day of the premier
and it's the day before competition day

i don't know brady
me and milo need to be on our A game
i can ask him about having rehearsals at an earlier time
so we'll see


arty 🎨
you're welcome brady
i'll give you an answer whenever i talk to milo

okay okay

- 🌼🌼🌼 -

The girl groaned looking over at her younger brother who was curled up into her chest, his blonde curly hair sprawled out over her body.

"Walker" the girl whispered looking down at the boy who stirred lightly before his eyes fluttered open

"What is it?" Walked mumbled lightly rubbing his eyes

"We've gotta get up bub i've gotta go talk to Milo" Artemis ran her nails through the boys hair kissing his cheek lightly

"But it's 9 am" Walked groaned burying his head deeper into his sisters chest

"Come on Walks. I'll buy you breakfast on the way" Artemis pleaded with the boy who smiled before getting up out of the bed and running to his room to change. The two blondes walked out of the apartment side by side, stopping by a coffee shop and grabbing food before walking down the street to Milo's apartment.

"MILOOOO" The blonde girl yelled out walking into the apartment with Walker at her side, taking bites out of his breakfast sandwich as they walked

"IN THE LIVING ROOM" Milo yelled back making Artemis walk in the direction his voice was coming from. When she walked into the room she saw Milo sitting on the couch eating some type of breakfast food with a smile on his face

"Okay so I kinda have a really big favor to ask you." Artemis started taking a seat next to Milo who just looked at her with a confused expression

"Shoot." Milo nodded looking over at the blonde who smiled sheepishly

"So Brady invited me to the premier of his movie but the downside is we have practice scheduled for the same time as the premier. I was wondering if we could have early morning rehearsals instead so I could go." Artemis shook her head dissatisfied with herself for even asking this question but Milo just bursted into a smile

"Of course we can. On one condition. You have to tell Brady I said no and let me help you surprise him" Milo had a smirk plastered across his face making Artemis light up with a smile

"Seriously you're willing to move rehearsals up?" Artemis giggled looking at Milo who just nodded, laughing when the blonde girl flung herself into his arms

"Okay so text Brady and tell him I said I have things to do earlier in the day and so we can't move them up and we'll begin planning our surprise" Milo smirked while Artemis nodded furiously, pulling out her phone to text Brady back



hey bray. I just talking to milo and he told me he has plans earlier that day so we can't move rehearsals up. i'm so sorry bray

it's okay arty, maybe another time

are you sure you aren't upset with me??

no ofc not
plus i'll be coming to your show so we'll still get to see each other:)

ofc bray, now i've got to go ill ttyl

ttyl arty!


"Okay I texted him" Artemis said looking at Milo and her brother who were both smiling

"Okay then let's get to planning this surprise" Milo smiled pulling out his laptop while Artemis was basically jumping up and down with joy, knowing how happy it would make Brady when she showed up to the premier


author speaks!
NEW CHAPTER IS OUT. Sorry it took so long but here it is!!

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