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Song of the Chapter: Logical - Olivia Rodrigo

Chapter Six
- Leaving -
( narrative )


CONNOR OPENED THE BEDROOM DOOR  noticing the position the two teens were in and immediately calling Xochitl.

"Xo i'm not kidding. Artemis has her head on Brady's shoulder, Brady's arm is around her shoulders and his head his on top of hers" Connor whisper yelled turning the camera around noticing how Xochitl took a facetime photo while giggling

"They're so cute omgg, take more pictures" Connor groaned but did what the girl said regardless. Brady began to stir in his sleep hearing the countless voices coming from in front of him. The boys's eyes fluttered open, the unfamiliar weight on his chest catching his attention. That's when he remembered the event from last night and smiled lightly to himself, turning his head to look at the blonde girl laying across his chest

"We have to get Art to the airport in an hour so you need to wake her up." Connor said sheepishly knowing Brady wasn't ready to let the girl go yet and honestly he wasn't either

"Yeah I know now get out of my room creep" Brady whispered shooing Connor away. The blonde hair girl began fidgeting in her sleep before her eyes began to open, the bright light of the room taking over her senses

"Did I fall asleep on you last night?" Art's voice was thick with sleep but Brady thought it was the cutest thing in the world, a small smile forming on his face

"Yeah but it's okay, consider it payback for yesterday morning" Brady mumbled laying a kiss on the girls forehead before moving out of the bed. A light pink blush spread across the blonde girls cheek at the slight gesture, and Artemis looked up at Brady with a sad smile

"I leave for the airport in 45 minutes" Artemis' voice was almost a whisper but Brady heard her

"Yeah I know you should probably get your stuff together." Brady was trying not to show his sadness but it was obvious how he felt

Brady and Artemis went to her room to get her stuff before driving to the airport and dropping the girl off. She gave Brady a long hug before boarding the plane and heading for home

After the flight Artemis opened the door walking into the large home with a smile

"IM HOME" Artemis yelled out laughing when she could hear pounding coming down the steps. Walker came running at her full speed almost knocking her over

"I MISSED YOU" Walker yelled clinging into his sister who just laughed

"Oh there's someone here for you by the way" Walker whispered finally letting go of his sister and leading her into the living room. When she walked into the room she saw a brown head of hair sitting on the couch. She walked closer to the couch finally noticing the long legs that accompanied the brunette making her smile

"MILO" Artemis yelled running forward to hug the slightly older boy

"Hey Arty" Milo picked the girl up in a hug swinging her around causing the girl to laugh

"Why are you here oh my god it's been so long" Artemis rambled as he set her down, chuckling at the younger girls antics

"So I kinda have a favor to ask you." Milo gave the blonde girl puppy dog eyes making her look at him confused

"Oh god what is it" Artemis grabbed the boys face checking him for injuries before he chuckled grabbing her hands

"I want you to be my partner on Dancing With The Stars." Milo smiles hopefully at the girl who frowned

"But I just got home. I don't wanna leave Walker for that long." Artemis looked back at her younger brother who had tears pricking his eyes

"Art i've already talked to your mom. As long as you agree DWTS is gonna fly you and Walker out with me and get y'all an apartment to stay in. All you have to do is agree" Milo smiled hopefully at the girl who turned around to look at her brother, noticing the way the blonde boy nodded at her

"Deal we'll go." Artemis smiled at Milo who cheered picking her up and swinging her around

"Okay go get packed bc our flight leaves in 5 hours." Milo said rushing the girl up the stairs, Artemis slightly cussed him out as she walked up the stairs


author speaks!
MEETING MILOOOOOOO. i hope y'all are enjoying

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