Way to start the year - S.S

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"Morning, beautiful." You heard Sadie mumble above you, she planted kisses all along your face, and jaw, down to your neck. You stirred slowly in her arms, a tired smile forming on your face as you heard her raspy voice.

"Good morning." You whispered back, pushing back her long, finger hair. Your eyes met hers, and you felt yourself falling in love all over again. Sadie smiled, leaning down to kiss your lips softly.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked sweetly, her hand running through your hair. The way she looked at you, made your heart melt.

"Very well." You answered, your girlfriend humming in response as she continued to pepper kisses along your neck. "Any plans for today?"

"Let's go to the beach." She mumbled in your neck, causing you to giggle at the ticklish vibrations.

"I'd love that."


Sadie approached you from behind, holding your waist tightly as the two of you stood on the pier, admiring the ocean ahead on this bright, sunny day.

You leaned into her, feeling her chin on your shoulder. You smiled, sighing contently. "Today is perfect." You spoke gently.

You suddenly didn't feel Sadie's presence behind you anymore. You furrowed your brows in confusion, turning around. "Sadie-" You cut yourself off with a gasp when you saw her behind you, down on one knee.

Sadie smiled, pulling out the dark red, velvet box she had in her pocket, the wind blowing lightly in her hair. "Y/N..." She began, clearing her throat slightly as she looked at you. You stated down at her, your mouth covered by your hands in shock as joyful tears fell from your eyes. "First, let me just start off by saying that I will love you until the very end, I will give you my all until my last breath. I will cherish you until every star in the sky, dies. I will protect you with every last cell in my body, because you will always be my better half and when you hurt, I feel it deep in my bones." Sadie soon opened the box, at this point, you were full on sobbing. "I want to be yours forever, I want to be your wife, I want to raise a family together, and build the most brightest future for us. Y/N, will you marry me?"

You had no doubt in your mind as you yelled your answer. "YES!" Sadie chuckled at the loud cheer coming from your throat. The ginger girl immediately stood up, sliding the engagement ring on your finger. You admired it for a moment, letting out a wet chuckle as you threw your arms around her neck, jumping in her arms.

"I love you so much." You sniffled, wiping your eyes as Sadie kissed your tear-stained cheeks. "Wow. What a way to start the new year." You joked, eliciting a laugh from your fiancé.

"Then this will be our year." She whispered, nuzzling your noses together as you two basked in this amazing moment together.

I finally updated the cover for this book, yay!

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