End Credits

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AN: Happy New Year!!! 

Thank you so much for reading!!! I've been in a bit of a flunk lately where I've been feeling really diffident about all my recent stories. You have no idea how much the reads and comments mean to me!

This story was partially inspired by me replaying through Kingdom Hearts II XD Roxas was one of my first fictional crushes many many years ago, so I decided to revisit the games when this idea hit me. It's a bit weird and confusing, much like Kingdom Hearts, so sorry if you got lost. Honestly, sometimes I got lost when writing. 

My goal was to take some wholesome Christmas story with some darker undertones, although the story was a little rushed since I was so excited to write this. While this isn't my favorite story, I like it more than the last few I've released, so I was just excited to get it out there. 

As for what's coming, I have a different kind of story dedicated to my sibling that I'm going to be posting. It's not related to Super Paper Mario, so all the SPM fans will have to wait a little while until I get another book out. I have a bunch of ideas for Super Paper Mario stories that have been outlined, I just need to make a choice and write one of them! 

If anyone here is a Danganronpa fan, check out my next book! I'll be posting it starting today or tomorrow. For all my fellow Super Paper Mario buddies, I'll see you soon! I promise! 

And seriously, thank you so much for all the support. I know I write a lot of unnecessarily dark and sad stories, but thank you for sticking through that. I really do love you guys. Writing and interacting with you has got me through some really hard times. You guys make me smile when things get tough, which means the world to me. I'll see you around!

Sincerely, Jimmy Smash

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