•trying to make a move•

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Michelle's Pov:
I wake up to my alarm, time for work. I press snooze on my alarm just in case i fall back asleep I get out of bed, stretch, yawn then look in the mirror. What to wear what to wear, i think im going to wear my black flared leggings and a cute pink vest.

Im finished changing and Ive put my blonde hair up in a high bun, its sunny this morning so i feel like i should go on a morning run. I firstly need my breakfast, maybe a smoothie to go?.

I trot downstairs and walk into my kitchen, i grab some strawberries, a banana and a mango. I also take the milk from the fridge. I chuck all the ingredients into the blender and press start, i see all the fruit blend together.

The smoothie is complete so i pour the thick liquid into a glass and start to drink it, wow this is amazing. The mango really shines through.

When drinking my smoothie i think about last night, that phone call will Emily, it was so weird she's never like that.

Michelle's talking head:
To be fair i actually thought she was in trouble.

Michelle's Pov:
I finish my smoothie and put my new balance trainers on, i make sure the laces are tight because i really dont want to stop when running.

I grab my small water bottle that clips on to my clothes, my headphones and my phone which i place in the hidden pocket of my leggings. I scroll through Spotify on my apple watch and play my playlist.

I step outside and start my morning run to the studio, i should get there in around 15 minutes.

Emily's Pov:
Im in my car already driving to the studio, i like getting there early to start of some paper work and get it complete but my first stop is Starbucks, i need my iced coffee so bad right now.

Emily's talking head:
I didn't sleep well last night due to my thoughts about Michelle.

Emily's Pov:
I order my regular overnight oats and iced coffee, i always eat at the studio as i never have time in the mornings.

I place my iced coffee in my cup holder and my overnight oats in the drivers seat and quickly drive out of the drive through.

I stop at the traffic light and take a sip from my coffee, im right around the corner from The Next Step building. I check the time and see its 7:30am, perfect.

I park my car in my spot, grab my bag and food then start to walk in.

Emily's talking head:
To be fair this is stressful in the mornings, i always have so much stuff in my hands.

Emily's Pov:
I look to my left and see Michelle jogging, she looks like she's been on a run. But when she's running towards me i see the sun reflecting on her chocolate brown eyes and i see her beautiful wide smile which brings me joy. I feel like im in one of those movies when someone is running in slow motion.

Michelle's Pov:
I reach The Next Step building and see Emily struggling with her work bags, i jog over to her smiling and waving.

"Hey Em, want some help?" Emily just stares at me, for a bit to long.

Emily's Pov:
I see Michelle standing right in front if me and i zone out, i then snap out of it. I think i was staring for around 10 seconds...

Emily's talking head:
Oh no!

Emily's Pov:
"Sorry what did you say?" I smile.

Michelle: If you'd like any help?

"No its ok i dont want to be a pain." I then drop my breakfast but luckily the lid is on.

I bend down to grab my breakfast when Michelle does as well, our hands touch and i feel a spark. I quickly grab my breakfast and forget about what just happened.

"Um...do you mind taking my coffee and breakfast please?"

Michelle: of course!

Emily's talking head:
Ugh i swear i crush on her more every day!

Michelle's Pov:
When we both bent down to pick up Emily's breakfast our hands touched, i swear there was a spark. I look at Emily quickly and see her ocean blue eyes shining in the sun but then i quickly look down.

Michelle's talking head:
Do i have a crush on Emily? I mean i always thought i had something for her but never a proper crush.

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