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Emily's Pov:
Its halfway through the day and the dancers should be here soon, rehearsal is at 1pm and its 12:30pm. So whilst waiting Im in the office with Michelle finishing of some paperwork, aka. She's helping me.

Emilys talking head:
Yes it is a bit awkward being in a room with her.

Michelle's Pov:
To be fair i don't do the business part of the job so this is hard for me, i understand the nationals part but everything else is confusing, i mainly focus on the dancers while Emily takes care of the paperwork and business stuff.

I look up at Emily who is typing some stuff on her laptop, i just admire her. I think i might have a crush on her but i'm not certain. I lean my chin on my palm and continue just to admire her working, she looks kind of...hot? When she's working but then she looks up, my eyes widen so i look back down.

Michelles talking head:
I feel like i'm burning up! Am i blushing?.

Emilys pov:
I look back up from my work to see Michelle quickly turn away from me, was she looking at me? I look at her to see she's pink on the cheeks. She looks cute, i would be able to hug her it she were mine.

"Um Michelle"

Michelle: Yeah?

"Have you finished the Nationals hotel?"

Michelle: yep right here if you want to look.

I bend over the desk to see the paper work, i then see Michelle has a eyelash on her cheek. Should i do it? Make a move?

"You have an eyelash right here Miche." I gently hold her cheek and wipe the lash of with my thumb.

Michelle: Miche? Thats cute. *she winks*

Emily's talking head:
Omg. Omg. Omg. She just winked at me and called me cute! Well the nickname...same thing!

Michelle's Pov:
I See the dancers flood into the studio, this is my call to leave the office and well Emily.

"Ok you know where i'll be if you need me." I smile at Emily and she nods.

I walk into the studio to see everyone already warming up, Noah is leading so i just let them be so i sit on a chair.

I could go on my phone but i too busy staring at Em through the office glass, i think i do have a crush on her but i still need some more time.

Noah: Michelle we're done what should we clean up?

Michelle's talking head:
Well thats me done trying to figure out if i like Emily.

Emily's Pov:
I swear to god working out who to put with who for the hotel rooms is the hardest piece of paperwork but it should help the easiest!. Michelle could've sorted the dancers out into rooms as well as half booking the hotel!, ok calm down Emily.

Emily's talking head:
Nationals gives us 7 rooms which can fit 2 people in each, obviously one of the is going to be for myself and Michelle...oh god i'm going to have to share a room with Michelle.

Emily's Pov:
Sharing a room with Michelle...thats going to be a bit awkward. Anyways this has to be in for today or we have to book our own hotel, this is a piece of work i've been avoiding surprisingly.

Ok so we have, Noah, Richelle, Summer, Lily, Ozzy, Kingston, Kenzie, Finn, Piper, Amy, Henry and Heath.

Maybe Noah and Henry? Or Richelle and Summer? No...Ozzy and Kingston?

Emily's talking head:
Noah with henry?! Amy with Kenzie?! Who knew this would be so hard!

Michelle's Pov:
I Told a-troupe to clean up the semi-finals routine so in the mean time i'm going to check up on Emily.

I enter the office to see her with her head on the table, is she okay?

"Um Emily? Are you okay?" I walk to her.

Emily: *still with her head on the table* No! Noah with Henry? Summer with Kenzie? Richelle with i don't know!

I grab a piece of Emilys hair and start braiding it.

"Why don't i sort out the hotel rooms, you can start with the other Nationals paperwork." Emilys sits up.

Emilys: Really Thank you, i have no clue who to put with who.

"Why don't you take a break and go get a scone, wait never mind stay here!." I jog out of the studio.

Emily: Wait where are you going?!

Michelle's talking head:
Lets just say i'm getting her some items from The Next Steep. (the place she forbids to go)

Emily's Pov:
Michelle starts playing with my hair! Im blushing, i cant look up it will be embarrassing! I just keep my head on the table.

Michelle: "Why don't you take a break and go get a scone, wait never mind stay here!."

Emily's Talking head:
I wonder where she is going? She kinda just left.

Emily's Pov:
Its been 5 minutes and Michelle runs back into the office, i look up and she's got me my favourite tea and a blueberry scone. This girl keeps impressing

Michelle: Here Embo, i got you a scone and tea from the next steep!

"My favourites!"

Michelle: Your favourites, here you go. Take a break.

"Ok thank you." I take a sip from my tea and omg the scone is still warm! "The scone is still warm!" I see Michelle smile.

Michelles Pov:
Im looking through the paper work for the hotels and sorting out who should go with who. I've written down, Noah and Henry, Kingston and Ozzy, Finn and Heath, Amy and Piper, Summer and Kenzie and Richelle and Lily.

"Ok done, what do you think Em?" I show her the partners.

Emily: Thats perfect, you know the dancers so much better than me.

Michelles talking head:
I can't deny that i do but its all because i'm in the studio with them everyday. Whilst Emilys always in here flooding herself with paperwork.

"Anyways i'm going to check up on a-troupe."

Emily: Ok see you in a bit Mich. *Michelle walks out.*

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