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Michelle's Pov:
A few days ago I emailed the New York dance tour company, they said i have to send in a video of me dancing and if i get excepted i will then have to fly out to New York to then audition again.

Im in the studio with Emily who's my camera girl so i can send a video in, ive put together a little dance combo which is about a minute long, i hope they'll like it.

Emily: okay are you ready?

"Yeah im ready."

Emily starts the music and i start dancing my combo, i make sure my technique is on point and everything in my dance is sharp and perfect. The music then stops and Em stops recording.

"Ok let me see." I watch the video and its perfect.

Emily: This is perfect, you should send it off.

"Yeah im going to." I jump around happily.

I open my emails and tap on the New York email, i send the video with a paragraph about why i want to go to New York and be on their dance tour.

"Ok done, its a wait a see situation now." I smile nervously.

Emily: You will definitely be accepted Miche.

"I hope so, if i did would you come with me to New York for a couple of days to do my second audition?"

Emily: Of course babe. *she gives me a hug* Ok your sweaty.

"Yeah you might not want to hug me." I step back.

Emily: I can kiss you though. *she gives me a peck*

"Ok, im going to head home, shower and i will be back here in a few hours."

Emily: Oki sweetie.

I walk off waving at Em, i hope they come back to me as soon as possible.

Emily's Pov:
Honestly im trying to be supportive for Michelle but its torn me apart inside, some part of me wants her to get accepted and the other doesn't. I love her and all but i dont think i can live with Michelle living 8 hours from me.

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