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Welcome, my gentle reader.

Envisioned as a (very) loose adaptation of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival, I started drafting this novel four months ago, after leaving academia and being thrown into the real world for the first time. The story drove into my dream in the form of a train, and when I woke up, life suddenly had a new task for me. A task I'd always wanted to take on the most in this world but didn't have the time or courage for. To write.

A chapter will be uploaded every Monday and Thursday—unless I'm ill or travelling.

I'd really appreciate any comments you leave here. I'm dedicated to producing polished work, and I know that you guys, the readers, can help me learn and improve things I can't see myself.

Please don't forget to give my social media accounts a follow, where I'll be posting music and writing related fun things I come across in life.

Once again, thank you for reading. I'll be in your care from now on :))

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