**Chapter 8 BLOODLUST

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The next day, the Chancellor asks to meet with me momentarily. "Here I am, your Highness," I bow down to him like most humans would; if they did not respect him, they might as well have been out of their right minds, for he would have cut their throats out with the latter's disregard. Out of nowhere, the Chancellor pounces on me like a wild animal and ravages my neck with much animosity. He tested my blood in a wild manner and was examining me crudely. With much care and caution, he eyes me up and down and folds his palms together.

"You must be the next Rosebud then. Hmm." He sits with one leg on the other, folding his palms, and contemplating my new position as his royal bloodmate. "You are to be excused from class three times a week for a ritual feeding of 30 minutes. Be prepared with food and drink, supplication in your blood. Do you accept the terms of this contract to attend Kensington Academy?" He asks me in a low grumble. "Yes, sir, I accept the terms of the contract to attend Kensington Academy," I say without much hesitation. As if I had a choice in the matter.


Thankfully, I met the Chancellor's harsh demands for the second drawing and he agreed that I am worthy of learning the servitude to transition from a lowly non-belonging clans member to becoming a bloodmate for the Vanguard Society. The Vanguard Society was the higher-ups of the Houndsmen, who earned the best grades as well as having the most precious blood to feast on and were most involved at the academy.

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