**Chapter 35 BREAK FREE

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I tried astral projecting myself into another dimension while I was stuck in that darn prison cell...it was so dreary here without any sunlight. Now I felt how vampires lived without the sun above them, providing warmth and sunshine.


Whispers of the heart by Gorillas Bwindi

In the depths of the night, whispers start to rise,

A symphony of longing, a yearning in disguise.

They echo through the chambers, within the hidden part,

Whispers of the heart, a tale of desire's art.

In the silence of solitude, their voices start to bloom,

Yearnings unspoken, escaping from the gloom.

Zephyrus placed her hand on my chin, lifting it up, as if to inspect something. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes that kept me thriving in this dingy place that reeked of death, blood, and corpses. "So tell me, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours," she whispers inside of my ear taunting me. The shock factor of her question turned into a silent revolution of glee and bubbling tension. I-I was turned on this whole time but didn't say anything because I was still in love with Eloise... I tried to say it but nothing came out. I couldn't tell Zephyrus that I was starting to like her, it seemed somewhat like Stockholm syndrome by the way.

"Well, I guess I think you're pretty attractive..." I started out shyly. "And that first kiss seemed forbidden because I was dating Eloise for some time..." my voice trails as Zephyrus leans in closer, close enough that I can smell her pheromones. "And? What else..." she licks my neck taunting me some more. Oh god, I thought to myself, how badly do I need this woman's touch right now. Let me impart some wisdom on you, I was feeling real things for Zephyrus and reality hit like a wall of bricks. I naturally gravitate towards her lower bed this time, and hug her for a long time. I just needed some warmth in this freezing, no-blanket, steel-hardened bed place of horrors. Zephyrus whispers into my ear, "I totally understand if you don't want to do the deed in front of cameras where they'll hear us, even if there aren't visual cameras, there are still guards lurking around. I just want to make sure you feel safe in my arms, Cadence. And I'm not Eloise, who rushed you into intimacy. I care so much more for your health and mental health, darling." She stops to lean in and whisper something at an inaudible level, "But I'd love to tease you some other time...maybe I'll put on a little show for you this time..."

Zephyrus strips for me and lays on her bed naked as we silently embrace with my clothes still on. We try to be as silent and sneaky as possible when the guards aren't watching. I peek out of the prison cell and see that a bunch of guards are surrounding Lux's cell. I wonder what happened, is he okay? I ponder to myself. After a few minutes, she slips back on her panties and joins me in a cuddle on the small steel bed. It is so small that our bodies are crushed together to emit warmth and share enough space with one another. "I don't care if they judge us, I just want to feel the shape of your body in mine," Zephyrus whispers into my ear. "I need you so much, Zephyrus...just you at this moment to keep me warm and alive..." I whisper to Zephyrus softly with bad intentions in my heart.

All at once, Zephyrus speaks in a serious tone, "They knew about us too, way back when we first spent time with one another. And they tried to stop us from being together. You see? Eloise was not in love with you, she was simply seeing you as a quick tryst. In the meantime, we should..." and she nods to the locket's powers. Ah, I think to myself, we should try clairvoyance instead, so I can work without words to maneuver out of this smelly place. I work up a sweat trying to conjure up the mental words and it works. All along I thought that there was an anti-clairvoyance spell on the prison cell, but in reality, the spells didn't negate my mind-reading; they only negated my snow abilities...I read the guards' minds and am devastated as to what they are thinking. "This prisoner is dead, he's not breathing at all."


This week me and Zephyrus grieved Lux's death in our prison cells, still nothing letting up at day 95 of this ridiculous imprisonment. Three plus months in a prison cell can do some damage to one's mind for sure. I was becoming more neurotic and OCD as the days dragged on. Unfortunately, life was only valuable to the humans that knew of certain death, their own short lived lives, their finite mortality. The other supernatural beings superseded death and were viewed as immortals by the human lower-caste members. I felt empathy for the human race because they went through so much turmoil just to be accepted by the upper-caste beings.


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