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I am back at school starting in the spring. I began to ruminate. I did not fear that she was the child of the Chancellor. I feared that she had hidden it from me this whole time. I hated her father, but parts of me still loved her. She was my first genuine colleague at Kensington. Later that day, I bump into Eloise, who had been ignoring me for the whole day. Something felt off. Does she know that I know her secret? I think to myself. Probably, I think to myself sadly. "Cadence, I have to tell you something..." Eloise looks like she is about to faint when I grab her by the waist and catch her from falling. If vampires were pale, she looked like a blank canvas of bright white paint. Something was definitely wrong, I thought.

She faints in my arms and I am sent into full panic mode. Oh, god, I think to myself. Vampires don't usually faint unless they are low on blood, attacked by a stake, or exposed to sunlight for too long. She isn't breathing and I think that she may be playing dead for kicks when I realize that there is a big gash on her ankle where it looks like a stake has been. Oh, fuck no she's been stabbed by a stake," I think in full panic mode. Eloise looks to me panicking that her secret had been undone. She trembles. "May my heart be ever yours ...I'm guilty as charged...do you still love me?" But her words are scrambled nonsense. "What are you trying to say, are you alive, Eloise, can you hear me!" I shout to her deteriorating body.

Out of nowhere, guards of tenure appear around us and Eloise's expression contrasts the sweet, gentle girl I knew. Her countenance turns dark and for once I believe it that Rhett is her eldest brother. The guards squash me, holding me down by the neck and grabbing a hold of both hands so that I become trapped. In retaliation, I try to fight off the guards but they are too strong. She planned an ambush on me and feigned sick to play with my heart strings! It must be the Chancellor coercing her to act this way, I think to myself. Vernon reaches for my hand, but it is too late. We are separated from each other...and swiftly, the guards drag my body down to the depths of the hellish dungeon where I would be tortured. I try my best to kick and scream, but nobody comes to the rescue. I am put in the same cell as Zephyrus and she doesn't seem surprised that I had been caught so easily.

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