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As I entered into the headquarters of the most noble vampires, Vernon gave me his hallmark smirk and high-fived me, congratulating me on the win from the other day's spar with him. This academy's training is the best for fighters like me, I thought incredulously. I always swatted away the bullies and fought back not with words, but a fierce tenacity to overcome them someday. In all my meekness, I used to languish morosely in the shadows and now with the revelation that I descended from an alchemist bloodline, a relentless resurgence of confidence was brewing inside of my bosom. I felt like I had finally gained some traction on my reputation, got the ball rolling, and met a new threshold. Not a born hero, but a savant of gifts even my mother wrote fantastic things revolving around my birth in the notes section of the alchemy book. I turn to the then-blank alchemy page with the words written by my mother.

Her poetry for me was this:

A birth of flames she is

Another gifted girl of the hidden mist

Power and love surround her

Sweet as can be, covered in myrrh

Mom really did love me. Although what seemed to be a tragedy at first, my birth in the house of flames, as she liked to name it, was no accident. I was born for this. Everything mattered this time as I got ready to meet with my allies at the headquarters of the gym again. My entourage remained the same and encompassed Eloise,Vernon, and Lux. The group was composed of strong vampires and a loyal friend that would protect me in a ring of flames as the prophecy was written. Although we traveled in a group, sometimes, it was only Eloise and I that were left to our own devices.


The prophecy was read out loud by Eloise, the governing council member and utmost strongest vampire in the group.

"Three and one,

and it will be done.

The stronghold will begin to grow,

as the latter snows."

All the more, Eloise looked immaculate in her tight red bounty dress for hunting prey, the small animals in the waiting to replenish their health. "What is it about that dress on your snug body that turns me on so much," I implored Eloise hungrily. "Oh, you want a piece of me? Come and get it!" she attacked me playfully and continued to lick my sore neck wounds. For a moment, I wondered where Lux was and asked Eloise, "Have you seen Lux anywhere?" She digressed suspiciously, "No, but I think he'll show up in a few days..." Her voice trails off with a sudden silence in the stale air. Something doesn't feel right, I think to myself.



I found out later that day that Lux was enslaved underground by Vernon, my favorite spy and that's why I hadn't seen him all day. It was told to me that he was awaiting a trial of torture on behalf of Rhett's request to break the bargain I had contended. It's because he was a non-belonging who was seen as irrevocably weak and that he was not bloodmate-compatible for partnership that made him an easy target. Even being best friends with the Rosebud wasn't enough to save him...I will save you one day, Lux, I thought to myself. Once I am an active member of the Vanguard Society as a Rosebud and blood mate, I will get you out. What a shame that Lux was captured and thrown into a tortuous prison. The Chancellor's schemes to kill the non-belonging were unbelievably cruel. I had it in my best interest and solid intentions to get on the Chancellor's good side this time and not feign ignorance to his absurd promises-keeping. He probably will kill me off for fun, just like he did to Tiffany Belmont. Just like Willow predicted, I would probably not be spared. No one was safe from this vampire's treachery. I won't survive. Willow will die also. Maybe even Lux after the Chancellor judges him for his weakness in killing another fellow vampire. Eloise doesn't stand a chance if she is found out to be more than just a girlfriend, but also a supporter in the mutiny. We would have to walk on eggshells moving forward to survive. Without faith, we would lose. More than faith, we would need my powers to evolve more. And with two strong vampires, we would be more likely to survive. But... I thought to myself. We need more manpower at least to circle with us... Maybe gathering some non-belonging together would allow us to keep them safe and form a barricade of some sorts. Or we could ambush them!

Love, Cadence Madlock

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