ii • Find Someone Else To Hold You Captive

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Scotia took the rope from Tristan, forcing the boy to his feet. She bit the inside of her cheek, knowing she couldn't help them, but she promised Lincoln to keep this boy safe, even as he was making his way East. The idea of having to hurt any more of her people for a boy worth nothing alive or dead did not settle well with Scotia.

"You should have kept running." Scotia tied the knot, making sure it would not come loose this time. She wanted to help them, but she needed to keep them around and couldn't have her loyalties put into question. Despite all she owed Lincoln, she would not be labeled a traitor for him.

"You have to stay on your feet." She heard the other boy, the one with long hair that had been with Tristan, say. "He'll kill you if you don't."

Scotia held the end of the rope, offering it to Tristan when they both heard shuffling in the trees. Not a moment later, two figures came running from behind the woods, both yelling and holding up their weapons.

Tristan threw the rope back at Scotia and ignored her angry huff. He drew his sword and prepared to kill the two kids. Before he could charge them, a bang came from somewhere among the trees. Tristan stumbled back before another bang and the sight of a hole in his head signaled he would not get back up.

Scotia watched a man come from behind a bush, holding a gun similar to that of the children. "Drop your weapon." He told the Grounder, keeping his aim on the young woman on the ground, holding tight to her knife.

Scotia threw her knife, having suffered enough at the hands of the Sky People's weapons. The man lowered his gun but did not remove his finger from the trigger.

The two boys looked up in amazement. "We're here now." The man assured them. "Everything's gonna be okay." But not for the Grounder they quickly took prisoner.

The man in charge, the one they called Kane, surveyed Tristan's body. He whistled, a single to the others that it was clear and safe. Dozens more guards dressed similar to the leader came bursting through the undergrowth of the forest. Scotia felt a sense of stupidity and laziness when she was not able to realize they were trailing them.

"Don't stand." A woman rushed over to the two boys. She glanced at the Grounder for a moment when she passed, but the cold features of the woman covered in blood not of her own made Abby look away.

"I'm fine. We need to get back to the dropship." The older boy, Bellamy said. He didn't say anyone's name, but he looked at the boy slightly younger than him. He seemed to ignore all the adults around as if they were not relevant to the current events. Scotia agreed, they had waited till hundreds were killed.

"Hey." The woman grabbed the younger boy's shoulder. "Where's Clarke? Is she all right." The woman asked.

"She was when we left." The younger boy answered. "We'll take you to her." He offered. Despite being children to the adults, the boy didn't wait for permission.

"Wait." The man spoke up. "Slow down. Sinclair, we're splitting up." He informed another man who stepped out of the crowd.

Scotia wished Anya was right, that the reinforcements were too late but Scotia lost 300 of her people and the Sky People had a new number of them. Now the one in captivity and surrounded by the enemy, she kept her head down and followed whoever held onto her.

"One guard detail comes with me to the dropship. Everyone else here goes with you to Alpha Station. You have the coordinates. We'll follow when we can." The leader said. He left no room for discussion, but pulled his friend back for a moment before he could leave. He whispered something no one else heard.

Whatever exchange of words happened, it left the doctor and the leader silent for a moment. Once his peace was over, the man went back to giving orders.

"You six with me. You two, lead the way." He told the boys and a few guards.

"We're taking her." Bellamy said, gesturing to the Grounder.

Everyone looked at him in confusion, even Scotia. Kane began to shake his head, regretting letting the boys lead the way, but now they wanted to dictate the control of the prisoner.

"No. The prisoner will go with Sinclair to Alpha Station for questioning." Kane told them.

Bellamy looked to Finn for some help, but Finn was hesitant after being pulled around by her friend. Bellamy thought of an excuse to bring her along and keep her away from the rest of his people, knowing the wrath of their justice.

"She knows these woods better than any of us. She can be more helpful out here." Bellamy said. He watched Kane think it over, and look to Abby for advice.

"I think we can manage." Kane said. He waved the guards off and let the boys lead the way to their camp.

Bellamy watched the Grounder being pulled back towards Alpha Station where she would be sharply questioned and thoroughly interrogated until his people got the answers they were looking for. His chance to repay her simple show of kindness was missed when he wasn't able to help her the way she helped him. Regrettably he wondered where this empathy came from.

One Grounder who was different enough to save his sister, but the odds that there were two willing to turn on their own made Bellamy skeptical of her true agenda, so he let them take her.

She was just another lying Grounder.

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