Tabitha & Stephen

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°Stephen's POV°

Ripping off my tie from around my neck and walking to the back of the house, I was greeted with the beautiful scene that involved my daughter and wife sitting by the lake further from our home.

Tabitha had flower petals scattered in her hair. As she stood up, I could make out streaks of mud on her dress but the bright smile on her face let me know she didn't care.

They were cloaked up in clothes because it was still cold from new year's breeze.

"Daddy!" My daughter Ellie screamed out running from her mother with delighted screams.

I stooped down and opened my arms yelling encouraging words as she ran as fast as her little legs could.

Practically leaping into my arms she wrapped her small arms around my neck and screamed as Tabitha tickled her sides.

"You win this time so I'll drop you off at Grandma's" she said resting her hands on her hips with panted breaths.

"Really?. Right now!" She shrieked in excitement.

Tabitha nodded and Ellie kissed my cheek and ran off to take a shower I'm guessing.

"Gather clothes I'll be there in a minute!" Tabitha yelled as I stood back up to my full 6'1 height.

"Your home early?" She said as I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her in.

"I haven't been spending much time with you recently." I said then pressed soft kisses to her neck.

"I told you I understand. This isn't anything new Stephen I'm used to it honey" she said cupping my cheeks but I shook my head frantically.

"My family is just as important. I'm nothing without you both"

"Stephen I knew what I was getting myself into the moment we got into a relationship. You were a business man. I also know you love us and that's enough for me right now." Her green jade eyes sparkled with a light that warmed my soul.

The more she looked at me it made all my earlier day struggles melt into the mud under our feet. How did I ever get so lucky?

She had this glow about her that we could be in the middle of the forest and her shine would make me feel at home.

Everything about her felt so natural and that's why I never understood what she did.

While we were just starting out she made it clear on our first date about the plastic surgery done to her face to appear younger.

She was 26 then and I was 23 then not much of an age difference right?

It was an issue for her though. Along the way we worked on it and now it isn't much of a problem anymore.

Of course she has many more insecurities and sometimes I felt like I had to be a hero in those instances and shield her from her own self.

It almost destroyed the whole foundation of our relationship.

I'm so happy we worked things out and are now married. I couldn't imagine life without this woman.

"Stephen I need to wash Ellie and then I'll get back" she said poking at my cheek playfully.

I nodded and reluctantly let her go inside.


Tabitha's POV

I waved at Ellie as she ran off to Stephen's mother door. School will reopen in a couple of days and we would have to go back home which made me feel a bit sad. This place is beautiful and I enjoyed the crisp air and nature.

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