TO SAVE YOU! /Chapter fourteen\

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Tw: cussing and talks of death

/Bryan's pov\

"Hello?" Called out my brother

"The desk" I responded while turning to the next page of my book

I heard footsteps as my brother walked over to me. I shut the book and turned around to face him

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing much" he says "just wanted to check on you"

"Oh, well I'm fine Dylan" I tell him "nothing to worry about here"

"The fact that you haven't been doing anything but reading for about two or so days" he calls me out for

"When aren't I doing that?" I asked in a joking tone

"That's kinda the problem?" He says "you need a break, a hobby"

"I sew" I tell him "and I have been taking breaks to go around town"

"Which is a part of your job" he says

"Okay okay, I see what you're saying, but you got to understand why I'm doing this" I tell him

"I get it" said Dylan "but overworking yourself isn't going to solve anything"

"You have been doing this for so long now" Dylan says "years"

"I...I don't want to lose you" I say taking a deep breath

He put a hand on my shoulder "i get it, I don't want to lose you either, but taking a break, not worry for a day will do some good"

"And the hunters?" I asked

"I've been looking into them, like always as that is my job, and kinda Vincent's" he answered

"Look, I would like to, but this curse doesn't take breaks, it keeps going until we are dead" I say "until this shit covers us from head to toe"

"I know!" He says, as his voice raised a bit. But not enough to call it a shout

"Then you understand why I have to keep reaching!" I say, my voice also raising a bit "I take breaks to care and hang out with Gregory, to hang out with everyone. But this is important"

"We aren't even sure if we can end it" Dylan says "there may not even be a way"

"I HAVE TO TRY!" I yelled, then took some deep breaths "I have to try"

"I understand why you want this gone, I want it gone as well. But if we can't, shouldn't we enjoy life before it ends?"

"Yes but... What about when Future generations have to deal with it. Yeah Gregory can't get the curse so I don't need to worry, but what about you?" I explained

"I know, I'm not saying to give up, just to live a little" he says

"I know but I need to do this!" I say "I will and have been but I need to do this!"

He sighed "Bryan..."

"No!" I shouted "you don't get it..."

"I NEED TO SAVE YOU!" I shouted "I...I need to save you"

Dylan didn't say a word. He just stared at me. Then put his hands on my shoulders "to save us, we will get through this together, okay?"

I felt myself start to tear up. I then went in for a hug, which caught Dylan off guard, though that didn't stop him from returning the hug

"Together" I say

"Exactly" he says "we can get through this together"

witches curse [supernatural natural fnafverse au]Where stories live. Discover now