interrupted/chapter twenty five\

45 4 13

/Bryan's pov\

I put in the next ingredient and started to mix it with the others in the cauldron 'almost there' I smiled

"How is it going" Steve came around from my left

"Good" I say

"Well That's good!" He says

I nodded "how is everyone?" I asked still not taking my eyes off the the cauldron

"Everyone is good, excited for this!" He says

"That'a goos to hear" I say

"Erm... The hunters still aren't back yet from what I hears" Steve says

"I see...odd" I take note of it

"But other then that everything is fine" he says, the happiness coming back into his voice

"Steve!" Calles our Fylan. Hearing his footsteps before they came to a stop

"Come on! Alice is waiting for us!" He says

"O-oh right!" He says "bye Bryan!" I heard them steps as they started to run off

"Bye bye" I say with a smile on my face

"Well that was something" Said Dylan from my right

"They seem to be having fun" Vendi commented

"They are just teens" I say

"True" says Dylan as he steps closer "need any help?"

"I'm good" I say "everything is almost done"

I looked over to my brother and smiles

"Well That's goo-" "GUYS!" Vendi had been interrupted when my door was slammed open with I believe Foxy shouting

I heard his foot steps as he ran over. I turned to face him, he was panicked...

"What's wrong?" I asked

"T-the hunters!" He shouted "THEIR HERE!"

"But steve said they weren't around!...last you checked..." I realized that the check could have been earlier today

"Shit shit shit" Vendi stated pacing back and forth

My eyes moved to my cauldron then to the fox child "get everyone! We need to hold them back"

"I- I need more time" I say since the curse had grew more this morning. It wouldn't shock me if it consumed me and Dylan soon based on how fast it was going

He nodded and ran out

"What do we do?" Asked Vendi

"I...make sure no one gets in here until I'm done" I say "once me and Dylan are free, we will be of more help" 

Dylan already made his way to the door with Vendi following behind

I turned back to the cure I was making, only hearing the sound of my breath 'this isn't isn't good at all'

'God.... I'm not really for this... I don't want to lose anyone...I-I can't lose them...I can't lose this town' I felt tears in my eyes as I went back to mixing everything together while trying to calm myself of what was happening outside... I was almost done

Once I'm done we are taking down those damm hunters, getting them out of our town

witches curse [supernatural natural fnafverse au]Where stories live. Discover now