Five || Promise Me

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And if we can't find where we belong
We'll have to make it on our own
Face all the pain and take it on
Because the only hope for me is you alone
- My Chemical Romance

Draco and I arrived in Diagon Alley a moment later. To my surprise, he didn't let go of my hand as we began walking to Gringotts. People looked at us as we walked through the crowd, which I wasn't used to.

"Why is almost everyone staring," I asked him as we walked.

"My family is well-known here," he said, not elaborating further. From some of the looks we were getting, I assumed they weren't known for good things. We walked quietly into Gringotts and up to the Head Goblin.

"Mr. Malfoy," the goblin acknowledged. "How can we assist you today?"

"I wanted to make sure my wife was added to all of my accounts," he replied decisively.

"Very well. Do you have the proper documents?"

"Yes," Draco said as he pulled a copy of our marriage certificate out of his pocket, along with a few other papers. He handed them to the goblin, who then looked them over.

"Everything seems to be in order," the goblin confirmed as he handed the papers back over. "May I see Mrs. Ella Malfoy's wand to confirm identity?" He held his hand out and I quickly grabbed my wand and gave it to him. I knew better than to keep a goblin waiting. They weren't patient creatures.

After doing whatever it was that he needed to do, my wand was being handed back to me. The goblin nodded at us and wrote on some papers without saying anything to us. Draco stayed in place, so I didn't move, either.

"Mrs. Ella Malfoy has been added to the accounts," the goblin finally told us. "She may add or withdraw as she likes."

"Thank you," Draco and I said in unison before withdrawing some galleons and leaving Gringotts. That had all been easier than I'd expected. "Ready to eat," he asked me. I looked up at him and nodded.

The two of us walked to the Leaky Cauldron and found a vacant table in the corner. Draco pulled my seat out for me and I sat down. Soon after sitting himself, the server came over and introduced himself before taking our drink orders. I wasn't feeling like drinking alcohol, so I just asked for a pumpkin juice. Draco ordered a butterbeer.

Draco and I sat in a somewhat awkward silence as we waited for our drinks to be delivered. I fidgeted with my hands while he looked anywhere but me.

"So," Draco began, trying to end the silence. "I noticed you've been enjoying your music."

"I have," I replied excitedly. "The salesman that helped me had excellent suggestions. They had this little booth where you could sample songs from each CD to see if you liked them before buying them. It was a lot of fun."

"I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourself. You may have to take me there sometime to pick out something."

"I thought you didn't like muggle things."

"My parents don't. I'm neutral on it when it's something harmless like music."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'd love to take you sometime," I said as I grinned.

The server came over a moment later with our drinks and then asked for our food order. We gave it to him and started talking a little more. I asked Draco about his school days and he told me about how he'd been a sort of bully. He seemed a bit offended when I told him that that didn't surprise me.

"What? Was I supposed to assume you were the quiet, nerdy type?"

"Well, no. I just didn't think you'd be so quick to believe that I was mean."

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