A/N: My promise

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If this gets to 100K possibly before my next birthday (September 5th) then I will work on Pay-Back the revamped version, because this book is so far the most popular one, I've written with Helping Love at 28K reads, (Still have no idea how this happened but I've lost all braincells in understanding how) while I haven't had any scenes playing in my head for Pay-Back, I have had some for Helping Love revamped version and Heroes lost my trust so those will be updated but still we're already at 90,016K reads at the moment and it's not like y'all haven't surprised me already so let's see what you throw at me 😃 (Not literally please)

But, give me feedback on this A/N if you can because I'd like to know y'all's thoughts and opinions on what you might find in the revamped version! Love you Skylings!


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