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Honestly idk where the hell I left off at but I apologize for not posting literally my best friend cussed me out a few days ago because I stopped but anyways this is 2 months later the day before Seacrest birthday (turning 18) enjoy😁
(Grammar error warning)

"HELP. ME.!" Safire yelled at his friend Aurora. They were in a store running around looking for a present for tomorrow with no luck
"I found a hoodie!! Look look"
"No, that's navy blue. He HATES. navy blue."

They ran around some more until finally Safire gave up and sighed
"I'm just gonna go home and hide in my closet forever." He whined
"Well that's not very fair to Seacrest now is it?"

"Well no but it's not fair that I can't find him a good birthday present either."

  "Well... Maybe take him out to a fancy dinner with your rich ass- you have a lot of money for a reason dickhead use it-"
"I suppose your right, and after dinner we could go ice skating or something! YOUR A GENIUS AURORA OH MY GOD."

"I know"
Aurora is literally me

(7 hours later)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" it was currently 12:00am on the dot and Safire and Seacrest were on the phone when Safire suddenly yelled that.

"Ah thank you my love" Seacrest said happily

"So how's it feel to be a legal adult?"

"Ehh regular.. I can't drink until I'm 21 so I still feel like a teenager but it's fine"

"Are you excited about your birthday? And gifts? And... Uhh... Stuff of that nature?"

"No not really.. It's the same thing every year.. My parents get me expensive gifts along with my friends and all of it's just boring.. half the time I have no place to put all of it-" Seacrest said kinda sad

"I understand you, except my parents don't get me gifts, they just give me the money to buy them myself, but I have a surprise for you today"

"Oh really?"

"Yep, it's gonna be fun but you need rest so go to bed"

" Okay well goodnight my love I'll see you later!!" Seacrest said so excited

"Night~" And after that Safire hung up

Bye. I'm so exhausted- to the shower I go. Yes. At 5:44 pm. Idc if its early

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