Chapter 6

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When Qiao Qingqing fell asleep, Shao Sheng'an carefully took off his clothes, leaving them for his wife to hold, and went to the kitchen to find some food. Opening the fridge, it was stocked full of fruits and vegetables. Even the freezer was packed with various meats—chicken, duck, pork, beef, lamb—and his favorite shrimp dumplings. He took out a box to steam and wandered around the house during the wait.

The new anti-theft door was good. This area was an old community without property management, which made it unsafe for anyone to enter. Installing three would be even better, and much safer.

The underfloor heating was good too. During the winter in Huacheng, there were always a few extremely cold days. His mother-in-law complained every year about the cold. Last year, she even caught a cold. Installed!

The windows were fitted with security bars, leaving only a narrow gap of about two centimeters. This was excellent; even if they kept pets in the future, they wouldn't worry about them sneaking out. There were even emergency exits on the security bars. He tested it and nodded in satisfaction. Installed well!

After taking a stroll, he remembered the laundry hadn't been done, so Shao Sheng'an went to do it. When he reached the balcony, he noticed there was an extra stainless steel water tank.

He hung the laundry, and checked the attic—it hadn't changed. Qingqing mentioned installing underfloor heating there, so it seemed they hadn't reached that part yet. Opening the door to check for any accumulated water on the terrace, he saw two tanks and a piece of equipment covered with rainproof material. Upon careful examination, he confirmed it was a solar generator, and with its size and scale, it must have cost at least a hundred thousand.

The solar generator was good; when connected to the grid later, the surplus electricity could be sold back to the state, and they could even switch the water heater to solar power, saving natural gas.

The house had changed a lot and gained many new items, something Shao Sheng'an gladly accepted. It was a good sign to be willing to buy things; it indicated a desire to live life. Perhaps once Qingqing's "end-of-the-world fear" disappeared, things would improve?

He devoured the steamed shrimp dumplings, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and climbed into bed, holding his wife until he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Qiao Qingqing woke from a nightmare, finding herself in her husband's embrace. She hugged him back, forcing herself to continue sleeping.

The next day, the two were awakened by knocking at the door.

Qiao Qingqing had slept well, feeling refreshed. Checking her phone, it was already half-past eight. She hurriedly shook her husband awake. "Go wash up. The workers must be here." Shao Sheng'an struggled to open his eyes, groggily heading to the bathroom, while Qiao Qingqing tidied the bed, quickly changed clothes, and went to answer the door.

Indeed, it was the workers for installing the underfloor heating. Just as she invited them in, her mother, Qiao Songzhi, climbed the stairs to the doorstep, holding a foam box.

"Mom! Why did you come so early? I overslept, I'm sorry." Apologetically, she helped carry the items. "I thought you were taking the bus back by yourself."

"Rare that you're not working overtime on a Sunday. Have a good rest. I told you I'd come back by bus. I saw workers coming in just now. What renovation is happening here? Also, what's up with your doorstep? It's all dirty. Even if the house is in a mess, the doorstep shouldn't be neglected. You've changed the new anti-theft door, but the protective film on it needs to be peeled off. Keeping it like that looks terrible—"

Mrs. Qiao's gaze shifted behind the anti-theft door, surprised. "What on earth have you done? Why so many doors?!"

"Mom, come in first. No need to take off your shoes, just come in!"

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