Chapter 7

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Qiao Songzhi's medical checkup results were good, except for the absence of tests for blood sugar and lipids. Everything else was examined, and there were no major issues—just some minor ailments that could be managed with traditional Chinese medicine.

The major concern remained the old problem of insufficient blood supply due to cerebral arteriosclerosis. It was controllable with long-term medication to prevent strokes. The hospital prescribed a month's supply. Qiao Qingqing consulted carefully and decided to purchase a twenty-year supply from the pharmacy if the dosage remained relatively stable, as long as the condition was managed well.

During the car ride home, Qiao Songzhi asked, "Out of nowhere, why did you suddenly tell Sheng'an about the space? Have you forgotten your grandmother's advice? Don't test people's hearts with treasures; hearts can't withstand testing."

"Mom, I remember. That's why I haven't mentioned a word about it to Sheng'an in all these years, even after marriage. It's just that the time has come."

"What time?"

"The end of the world."

Qiao Songzhi was stunned, "What's the matter?"

"It's the apocalypse. Many disasters will happen, so I've bought a lot of things. The space needs to be filled. Sheng'an and I are married. We wouldn't usually need the space, maybe just to conveniently store things when we visit your place. But now it's different. I don't want to keep it from him."

"What disasters? Have you been staying up late watching movies?"

"Mom, let me explain." Qiao Qingqing recounted the conversation she had with her husband the previous night to her mother.

Watching her daughter, Qiao Songzhi became worried. She touched her forehead with the back of her hand, "Is this from too much work pressure? I've told you, with the school district housing, Mom can help. I'll sell off the property in our hometown to help with the down payment. Don't push yourself too hard; you're making yourself sick!"

"I know you don't believe it, Sheng'an doesn't either, but that's okay. I have a way to make you believe."

She brought Qiao Songzhi home, where craftsmen were busily working.

"I've arranged lunch for the workers. Let's go out." Qiao Qingqing called Shao Sheng'an, and the three of them went to a restaurant, booking a private room with a television.

"Don't order too much food. You're saving money for the school district housing, right? I have money too; I'll give it to you later."

"Mom, the food here is really good. We don't come here every day." Qiao Qingqing ordered four dishes, and Shao Sheng'an added two more.

The dishes arrived one after another, and once they were all served, the waiter left and closed the door.

The three began eating lunch. Shao Sheng'an and Qiao Songzhi ate mechanically, while Qiao Qingqing relished her meal. There was a stark contrast between the three.

"You seem famished." Qiao Songzhi said, offering her a piece of saucy ribs. She then gave a piece to Shao Sheng'an, apologizing, "I've spoiled her. Usually, she relies on you to accommodate her. It's our blessing that Qingqing could marry you."

"Mom, Qingqing is great. Last night, I arrived past midnight, and she stayed up to pick me up. She's good to me, and I'm good to her. It's my luck to marry Qingqing."

Listening, Qiao Songzhi's crow's feet turned into smiles.

Qiao Qingqing blinked back tears, smiling, "Let me turn on the TV; there's something I need to tell you both."

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