Nicky and the infinite landfill 1

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Nicky was a X-years old Human who lived in a neighborhood in the city. This neighborhood was the only place Nicky had been in. Nicky was different to most people around him. He was the only male in his city neighborhood, and was raised in secrecy by his mother Cindy, before slowly introducing him to the rest of the community. Nicky was eventually able to make friends but he was still confused about the great beyond. His mother wasn't home that often. She was a famous singer and would go places a lot. When she wasn't home, his Teacher/Babysitter Ms. Williams or grandma Delilah take care of him. Nicky had always felt detached from this world, like he didn't belong, and as such he had developed strong anxiety.

Only comfort Nicky had, besides his friends, was a recurring dream he had. A purple-pink rabbit jester elf, which matched the description of a "Monster" would take Nicky into adventures with her. These dreams seemed to go fast and thus end too soon. Nicky wondered what these dreams were...but he was certain he was never going to get the answer.

One sunny evening, Nicky was about to head to school when he heard a loud crash. It came from his mother's garden, which sent Nicky into worry as he put down his backpack and headed for the garden.

At the sound of the crash, there was a dirty capsule. A metallic one with a red broken switch crash landed into the garden irises. It looked so futuristic compared to the garden, but Nicky paled at the sight. "Oh no Mom's irises! She's gonna freak out!" The boy stammered, but shook his head as the capsule began to open up. Slowly but surely, smoke arose from its insides, before revealing a purple-pink monster jumping out of it.

Woooooaaaahhh!" Nicky gasped, before landing on his bottom, the sight of the purple-pink monster standing up as it landed. Rabbit like ears stood on its head, up and curled up, it had lavander lips The black eyes on the creature shined yellow and stared directly at Nicky, making him jump anxiously. At closer inspection, this creature looked like an purple-pink rabbit jester elf monster. Not just any purple-pink monster however, as her bare breasts, hips and pussy were in plain view.

Well well! Finally found ya!" The purple-pink monster woman declared, pointing at Nicky in such a cool fashion, that many would have seen her as a 90s Nicktoons Cartoon Character , despite the nudity.

W-Wait...! Who are you?" Nicky asked, and the purple-pink monster woman jammed a thumb at her breast.

"I'm ickisa! She declared

Nicky shook his head, he must've been dreaming again. This was nearly the exact same purple-pink monster he had seen in his dreams. "You...I've seen you before." Nicky said, almost afraid. "You were in a dream..." He said.

Really? I didn't know I was THAT popular!" Ickisa laughed. However, Nicky wasn't amused. None of this felt real. There was no way a monster had finally showed up in their little estranged Neighborhood just now at this very moment. Nicky was afraid, the monster woman was not just rather large in assets but also really tall, not as tall as mommy or some of the other women in the neighborhood but still, the rabbit ears on her head looked rather unwelcoming. However, the monster woman had a big smile on her face, she lended her purple-pink hand towards Nicky. "Say, my friend Krumma sent me to this place called 'New York City'. Do you know the place?" Nicky looked up at Ickisa and responded: "Yes, this is the right place. Welcome. I must get to school though, the mayor's office is right around the corner."

Oh, I can take you to school in a matter of Ickisa Seconds!" Ickisa bragged, her big breasts bouncing as her posture changed to be more confident. "Just jump on my back!" She suggested, turning around, exposing her huge purple-pink ass. "Uhh..." Nicky didn't know what to say or do, but he did it anyway. He jumped on top of Ickisa, and Ickisa leaped as quickly as she could, she Skipped past the neighborhood, past Nicky's old school road. Nicky was screaming, thinking he was going to die...only for Ickis to instantly cut him. "We're here!" Ickisa said. Nicky dropped from Ickisa's back and saw they had arrived to the school building, a small wooden construction.

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