Nicky and the infinite landfill 3

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Are you sure about this?" Nicky had to mumble, his mouth covered in nothing but boobflesh. After all that has happened, he was quite nervous on this new mission that was sort of forced upon him.

"Now now. If what was actually prophesied is true, then ya gotta do what the prophecy says, right?" The voice of Chimera echoed above, her playful tone adding to the mischievousness. Nicky rolled his eyes at the mission that was said, and Chimera noticed it. "Oh come onnnnn~. Don't tell me the time you spent with me wasn't special, little boy~."

"Weren't you trying to kidnap me hours ago?" The boy reminded her incredulously, with Chimera only huffing in defiance.

"Heyy~... I was defending you~, my handsome god~." Chimera knew how to push the boy's buttons, as she got him blushing. Ever since the Fresh Kills-wide orgy, along with New York City getting their share, all of the Monsters could not stop themselves from both praising and worshipping him as their god in human skin, and doting and loving him, acting as if they were his closest family units. He couldn't blame them, as it was nice being loved, but Nicky wondered if it changed them.

Psychologically, not physically. Because physically, every single Monster in Fresh Kills Landfill felt a complete upgrade. From doubling, tripling and quadrupling their sizes, libidos and density, they have become the apex milfs all over. Ones who were as small as Nicky easily matched the height of the jungle trees, and the ones taller than that had the trees reach to their knees. Easily, the Monster women reached the sky, their garbage covered homes or dorms not able to fit and house their heads, reaching as low as a large 300 feet to a tremendous 1300 feet... leaving poor Chimera in the dust with a poor 500 feet.

One who has once boasted about her size now feels like an ant to those creatures of queenly majesties, boasting tits as big as their own bodies, asses that can drown the entire town easily. Chimera, in all of the ways, felt incredibly jealous, especially those queens Slickina and Skeechana, who rose to a shining 1500 feet, or Ickisa and that dumb dastardly cyborg that looks like Nicky, who got the full force of cum on their bodies, growing to a staggering 2000 feet.

Chimera wanted that size. She wanted that power. A regular Monster shouldn't be bigger than a Demi-monster-goddess.

"Now that I've procured you, and seen what you're capable of, I think it's high time we put better use of you." Chimera giggled, knowing that in her land, her growth will be much more prominent. Her now growed wings flapped into the sky as she held Nicky in her cleavage to her home, while the poor boy was wondering how he got into her clutches into the first place.

Chimera flew for miles and miles, down underneath Nicky saw massive landfills, not as big as Fresh Kills, but still big, he saw beautiful brown sewage lakes, but also massive factories, taking over large patches of land. These factories all had Simona's emblems on them. Chimera was careful around them, but she managed to be sneaky even while in air. Chimera was still big enough to punch a few robots that came across her path. Soon, eventually, a massive castle was awaiting overhead. It was immense, Nicky thought the castles of this size existed only in stories his mother would tell him. " your home?" Nicky asked curiously from the giant bat. "Yes...the only home I've ever had. The Chimera Family garbage castle." She responded, with somewhat somber tone.

She landed on top of one of the open spaces the castle had. She knew that since she had gotten way bigger, she could use the opening her beloved mama used whenever she would visit her. She grabbed one of the towers and pulled it forwards like it was a lever, which caused the space to literally open like it was a rocket silo. "Here we go, Nickyyy~" She teased, as she flew inside her garbage covered castle.

Nicky soon opened his eyes, as he saw the castle's interior, a massive, colourful hall was waiting for him. The walls were filled with portraits of Chimera's ancestors and relatives, all of them as busty as can be. Each corner was decorated with a statue of some Chimera ancestor or a busty suit of armor. On top of that, the pillars of the castle, as well as the ground they walked on, was decorated with gems, diamonds, and gold. All sorts of minerals. It was incredibly vibrant and almost hurt Nicky's eyes, but he could not believe where Chimera took him next.

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