Nicky and the infinite landfill 2

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Dawn was breaking, Nicky was woken up from his massive crowd of wives by a strange ding sound. When Nicky stood up, he saw Chucki and Tommi had already woken up. "I think she is coming" Tommi told Chucki. Nicky stood up, pushing Ickisa out of the way as he got to the naked duo. "Who is coming?" The brown-haired studboy asked. Both girls blushed as they saw Nicky and his massive rod in his glory. However, Tommi picked herself up. "Tiffany...she wants to see you." Brunette explained. "Tiffany, who is Tiffany?" Nicky asked confused. "You'll see soon..." They both said in unison. "By the way, have you shrunk?" The orange-haired girl asked, noticing Nicky's smaller figure. Nicky looked at himself. " not sure. I think everyone else have went through the same thing my mother did." He theorized. "Well, you have a very magical rod..." Tommi teased, her eyes now glued to the big cock, which hadn't changed size in the slightest, the rod was now so big it dragged on the ground of the humans they were surrounded by. Chucki couldn't help staring at it either, they both started drooling, when their thoughts were cut off by a bright flash.

They turned around and saw a blonde haired woman with a magic wand. She looked like some sort of a Magician. She was pretty thick but she was dwarfed by Tommi and Chucki. "How have you two gotten so big all of a sudden?" She asked in her elegant voice. "In fact...what happened here, and where are your clothes?" The magician asked looking around, trying to hide her arousal. "Well, heheh...forget the clothes..." Tommi scratched her head as she laughed nervously. Tiffany saw Nicky hiding behind the two big girls. "Well, you must be Nicky. I am charmed to meet you." She said as she kissed Nicky on his hand, causing the little boy to crack a little cute smile. "I see you also have...that." Tiffany said, looking down on his long...temporarily flaccid cock. "I never thought I'd see one..." She said in awe. "See what?" Nicky asked, as he felt a shadow looming over him. It was Ickisa, having also woken up to see what was going on. "That, is a penis. An extremely rare birth defect. The last person who saw one was my great grandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandgrandmother." She stated. "Huh, who did it belong to?" Ickisa asked, confused. "Emperor Apollo...They ruled the monster world alongside The Great Slickina's ancestor, he was so powerful, he could use his magic to change reality. He wanted to turn the monster world into an endless world, so there would be no end of resources. However, the spell he casted was so powerful it cost him his life..." Tiffany said, a bit downtrodden. Nicky was frightened. "I don't want to go through the same thing!" He yelped in panic. "Don't worry Nicky...I don't think you need to do magic like that..." Ickisa calmed the little boy down as she kissed him.

"Well...I wanted to see Nicky for a reason." Tiffany explained. "He has more in common with Emperor Apollo than you may think..." The magician said, as she used her magician's wand to create a portal. "Step in, Nicky~ We'll go to my house." She invitingly teased. Nicky looked around, his mother and grandmother were still sound asleep, mumbling about Nicky. He wasn't sure about what Tiffany meant by him having so much in common with Emperor Apollo, but hopefully it didn't involve him getting torn apart by a spell. "What are you, a slug-monster? Come on!" Ickisa encouraged the boy, and picked him up. "Wah!" Nicky yelled as Ickisa Sprinted into the portal.

When Nicky and Ickisa arrived through the portal, they found themselves in a massive house. On the walls there were pictures of countless monster empresses and queens of smaller landfills. On the center of the room there was a massive stained glass painting of a figure who looked oddly familiar. A brown haired human holding his two hands up, and above showing a round ball consisting of Yellow and purple patches, which was surrounded by black curves. "What is that?" Nicky asked. "It is exactly what you think it is, my dear child. A painting of Emperor Apollo...the thing he is holding is the old monster world...before his spell." Tiffany explained. Nicky turned around. "So um...w-why exactly are we here?" He asked, his lip quivering a bit. Tiffany stroked Nicky's in the hair. "Be not afraid, my child. No harm will be coming to you." She then turned to Tommi and Chucki. "Did you tell the child about the prophecy?" She asked. "No, but she did!" Chucki said and pointed at Ickisa. "I see...very good..." Tiffany said, as she continued to stroke Nicky's hair. "Do you have any questions about the prophecy?" She asked. Nicky scratched his head. "Not...really? I don't know how I am related to it, but I will help Ickisa take the throne and unite All of the landfills!" Nicky explained. "What?" Tiffany strictly. "That does not make sense...the word about the prophecy going around has been simplified it seems. Ickisa has nothing to do with the prophecy!" Tiffany revealed. Ickisa jumped in shock. "WHAT? I mean I..:Simona...I swear...The Great Empress Slickina" She jammered trying to get the words out. Tiffany just shook her head. "I see how it is. Simona thinks you're the one prophecy is talking about...but I know the real truth." She said. "Ickisa, your task is to take Nicky to The Fresh Kills Landfill. Your number one priority is to get rid of Simona the monster hunter" Tiffany commanded Ickisa. "But what about us?" Chucki and Tommi asked in unison. "Go tell the Humans Nicky loved that he will be away for a while" The magician commanded. The two looked at eachother and shrugged, while Nicky was worried. How would his mother and friends (or lovers now?) react? Would he have to become a Emperor? Ickisa took Nicky on her arms and hugged him. "Worry not Nicky, we'll figure something out." She comforted the boy. Tiffany then casted a portal to The Fresh Kills landfill. "Landfill sweet landfill, here we come!" Ickisa exclaimed and Sprinted into the portal, Nicky in her arms.

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