Chapter 1

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My name is mr Simmons and i'm going to tell

you a story about a school that I use to work at and all the other wonderful adventures and tales I heard of let open this book and see what are we going to into this tale


Hi my name is mr musa and i'm going to tell the story from here

In a school called Haltwoods high there was one students who was very weird and embarrassed himself his name was Jack Bravo he had glasses with a black shirt and blue sleeves and he was sometimes selfish and was maybe Bi I guess lots of kids like to laugh at him he think they are laughing with him but their laughing at him the mean girls that he hate which I will not tell yet and i will tell you in the next story which is coming soon.The girls like to make fun if him sometimes. He has two friends, maybe 3. One was named Lisa mooney then another was manny and the other was Rudy, his crush. One day he had a haircut and he thought people would like it at first when in science Lisa and manny seen his haircut they both laughed Jack thought they were joking so he let it slide later that day other were laughing he started to feel hurt but no one knew in math class he had a very hard time working while thinking about his haircut he looked almost bald like baldi basics he was sad he looked over to manny and seen him working fine with rudy and mr zaretsky. At lunch he was anger and talked about how mr nelson was not much helpful at math manny said he's a great teacher he just sometimes like to joke a lot's it not his fault that your having a hard time halpins then come to Jack and grabbed his hat Hey Jack yelled halpin laughed and said Bald but jack was not bald he had small hair he just cover them with his hat. Jack was slowly getting anger he got up and walked to the bathroom he stared at the mirror your bald a kid in a black sweater and black pants said behind Jack he turned around to the boy Jack made a mad face then punched the boy he then he grabbed him and threw him out the window Jack realized how strong he was he must not get to anger this was just the start of a journey a hero journey.

Chapter 1

It was math interventions and Jack was reading a book called spin manny on the other hand didn't read the book the book is very stupid he said Lisa would read the whole book if she wanted to.evan was sitting next to Jack and manny he was listening to everything they were saying Jack started to make some noises and talk to Lisa about weird things that made her feel uncomfortable

Jack thought to himself he can be a hero in this school he wanted to get every girls phone number the cool girls but in order to get their phone numbers he have to fight their friends first Jack ran into susan he ask her if he could have her phone number she said no he then said well if he beat all her friends will she give him it she still said no Jack gave up on her but Jack seen daisy one of susan's friends he asked her if he fight all her friends will she give him her phone number she said yeah Jack jumps in excitement later that day Jack ran into susan she slaps Jack's face then did a backflip


She got into a fighting pose and picked Jack up and threw him into a class room he breaks the tables and chairs he got why are you doing his Jack said susan then kicks Jack picks him up again and threw him back into the hallway Jack had enough he ran to susan and kicked her she back flip then took bowling ball out from her bag and threw it at Jack he blocked the attack though it broke his right arm Jack now had to fight with one arm now he picked up the bowling ball and threw it at susan she tried to block it but he threw it with lots of force and power it broke both of her arm and it hit her face she fell to the ground


Jack ran to her oh my god susan are you ok he said im ok she said it may hurt that much but my arms heal faster it one of my powers susan gave Jack her phone number so did daisy did too Jack jumps in happiness and he yells and runs to Lisa I got susan's phone number he yelled at Lisa manny said lucky you but bet you can't get not just the girls phones but the boys too

Haltwood high 1#Where stories live. Discover now