Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A girl that was kind of short name Halpin she at school doing her work in math class with me Alexander a different math teacher some kids call him a very strong teacher and sexy too people say Halpin was very short becomes she was born with bad luck from the curse her grandpa made in the 1940s she only the power of being indestructible and her powers only work when she scared or mad

She can't really control that power yet

One day she was just walking home from school one day and she came across a crime a dead body she went to investigate and her power can be put to the test three police officer were already in there looking for the killer so Halpin didn't know other people were here she said hello anyone here one of the police officer heard her voice and said where are you Halpin said why should I tell I don't even know who are you she walked around in the wet watery floor the officer heard her voice being more closer stay where you are I know you have something to do with tell us what you know or we shoot he was looking at darkness Halpin seen the officer and she said ok fine then shoot


the officer shot his gun at Halpin she was a little scared and her power worked she then ran to the officer and tackled him she chokes him out and punches him the officer was screaming for help she was punching and punching he was bleeding when the officer tried to punch her he broke his hand how are you so strong he said Halpin then put dirt over the officer face she ran out of the crime scene and ran home


Halpin closed her door she ran to her room changed her clothes and sat on her bed she was amazed and was so excited to finally use there power on fighting for once she took out her journal and wrote what she did today she hides her journal so no one can find it she was bored what am I going to do now she said she then had a idea to go to Manny's house but when she looked at the window she seen manny and Mikey they were playing a puzzle game halpin sat and watched manny blushes he then said hey mikey um you know i- I Mikey then looked at manny he blushes and said I love you mikey then said thanks man I love you too manny thought of something he kissed mikey cheek he then blushes mikey looks at manny and said wow that was nice mikey felt happy halpin was speechless she walked away before she seen worse things mikey kissed manny while he was pinned on to the floor manny blushes and said what happening to us you know we can continued this a another time

Manny got and also said well let go to the mall to take our mind off of what just happen mikey agreed halpin followed them at the mall manny seen a poster of a blond girl

Manny blushes and said wow she beautiful halpin laughed and said this is going to be on the schools board she takes a pic of Manny and mikey holding hands she then runs out of the mall but then seen the same police officer they point at Halpin she was back into the mall she took a mask and put on some gloves and disguise herself but ran into mr Alexander her math he thought she was a robber so he punches her halpin flipped and crashed into a wooden chair that broke her fall she got up and took a stick of wood and held it like a baseball bat


Halpin smacks mr Alexander with the stick of wood it made his nose bleed he got mad and charges at halpin he kicked her but she was scared that she become indestructible he hurted his foot halpin ran away mr Alexander said come back here and fight me like a man halpin runs away she fed out of the mall and ran home mr Alexander seen her run into his street he follows her halpin runs into her house and hides mr Alexander was walking down the street he stopped at her house she panicked he then continued to walk down the street halpin calms down


She then got on her bed and relaxed what a day she said she took off the mask and gloves that she took in the mall and put them in her book bag just in case she don't want her to blow her cover meanwhile manny and mikey were talking and eating hot dogs they smiled at each other a look they went back home afterward what a day mikey said he then sat on a chair manny said he was going home now he could come by another time he left

The next day When halpin walked into the school she seen Dasiy and Cindy we're going to fight but lin (Lin miend her first and last name ) a non binary teacher came and stop these two from fighting quit it the teacher said Cindy walked away and Rudy got mad and told the teacher everything Rudy shoot Cindy face with a magic heart bow n arrow Cindy then made her arms long and swings at Rudy most of her swinging attack missed but her last swing attack hits Rudy and rudy crash into a wall Lin used a rainbow rope and tied both Cindy and rudy stop now guys your over reacting both of you guys started this fight so you will apologize to each other and continued on your day Cindy and rudy apologize to each other and walked away one night Halpin was studying she fall asleep in the morning she was late for school and ran fast as she can she made it and turned in her homework she sat down at her seat her teacher said well halpin your late again and you will now be spending lunch detention for fours days starting tomorrow halpin sign in sadness and fall to the floor 

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