Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It have been days and weeks since Jack went missing too rudy calls Jack he never answered rudy went to his house only rudy was in his house Jack parents also went missing too the same time the night he went missing she skips school and told rudy about everything they work together to find Jack and Lisa they looked at every house in town and every school in town they talked to manny about Jack being missing he had no idea Jack also went missing but Jack called rudy when she answer she heard Jack voice but it sounded deep and glitchy

The call hung up and Manny said Jack and Lisa could be in the same place or different place. rudy and rudy leave town so Jack could be out there somewhere rudy said she then grabbed both rudy's arms and fly in the sky while holding her.Mikey and manny were talking a lot and slowly becoming friend or more best friends so you feeling less aggressive and mad manny said to Mikey yeah he said

manny looked at a door that was a few feet behind Mikey a different version of Mikey behind the door after lunch manny went to see where was that version of Mikey that he seen he searched the bathrooms no sign of him.he went to Mickey's house to find out where was that different version of him but he got distracted by Mikey taking off his shirt and changing into a no sleeve shirt manny snaps out of it and continued searching for the weird version of Mikey when manny gave up and he turned around the other version of Mikey was behind him it looked like Mikey but with with a destroyed shirt red and black eyes just like ralph he felt suspicious about him

At you going to look or what that version of Mikey said laden replied with what's your name manny was prepare to fight my name is yhavi im the evil version of Mikey but kind of more cooler and badass manny laughed and said yeah cool but Mikey seem more coolers he's like John wick when he pissed you should seen him almost beating the crap out of Jack yhavi said I could do the same thing but more brutal manny looked at the window that showed Mikey's room Mikey was watching the whole thing he looked at manny while manny looked at him he was confused he then called manny on the phone and said who the heck is that guy your talking too down there manny said well it you but evil and we were talking about who is more stronger and brutal you or yhavi. Mikey laughed and said ok cool anyway i'm going to bed it is 12:47 pm manny ran home yhavi laid himself on the cold snowy ground and slept. It was morning manny woke up he got his clothes ready and went out the door on this way he seen Jack on the floor with ralph dragging him he went after ralph but when he catch up they were gone manny thought to himself and said maybe i'm imagining stuff

Jack woke up in a black world nothing but black he couldn't see the sun or the floor. Everything was just black he seen Lisa. He was going to wake her up but her face was ripped off. Nothing but blood jam screamed and cried, why Lisa WHY! ralph was right behind Jack and said tsk, tsk, tsk, look like a friend crying over a stupid death ralph grabbed Jack's head and was about to bite his neck but Jack kicked ralph nuts ow my baby's ralph fell to the floor Jack then took his head and threw him into a invisible wall Jack then took his hand out it glowed blue he made the void appear Jack grabs ralph's arm and then throw him into the void I will be back Bravo ralph yelled the void then closed Jack ran back to Lisa her face was gone Jack cries he picks her up he then made a portal with his mind and walked out the black world

Jack took Lisa to his house lay her on his bed Jack then called manny on his phone

manny: Yo!

Jack: you fool why didn't you come and save us

manny: how was I supposed to help I don't know where you guys were

Jack: whatever i'm sorry for calling you a fool just sad about a death of another friend

manny: what another friend died?

Jack: yeah

manny: who was it?

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