Chatper 2

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Chapter 2

Manny was at home searching up Lisa's location where that girl could be. He said confused . He then heard a knock at the door and he opened it. It was heathcliff he was frighten what happen to you manny said he lets heathcliff in

heathcliff: it was terrible for some reason I randomly blacked out and then woke up in a different area

manny: hmm well then I don't know what to do but maybe try to fight it

heathcliff: fight what?

manny: oh never mind goodbye

manny pushes heathcliff out the door and closes it he got back to his research strange it said no Lisa mooney in the USA manny heard another knock at the door he goes to answer it but this time it was Mikey and Chad so we know your friends with Jack so tell us where is he Chad said in anger I don't know manny said Mikey pinned Karen to the wall and took out a gun and point it at manny neck WHERE IS HE Khavbi yelled manny said he is at his house at Rutland street Mikey let go of manny they were about to leave but Mikey thought of doing something bad he shot manny's neck. many neck bleeds out they left the house leaving many behind on the floor with a bullet in his neck.

Jack was in his house reading a book about anime he smiles when he see the anime girls and one time boy Jack heard someone kicking his house and someone yelled come out Jack so I can teach you a lesson he open the door to get punch in the face by Mikey.Chad kick Jack why do everyone kicks me Jack said he was very anger he picked him a table and threw it at Chad and Mikey it hits Chad but not Mikey Jack runs into the backyard trying to escape Mikey shots Jack leg then Jack trips ow my leg again Mikey tears up and said Jack I hate to do this but I have to kill you it the only way to be even Mikey was about to shoot but manny tackles him and punches him over and over again Mikey I know we are friends and friends don't hurt each other he said Jack ran away Mikey calms downs you're right he said manny got off of him hey let's go get Chad and maybe talk it out over coffee wait but aren't we at the age of 14-17 Mikey said yeah manny replied yeah they let kids at that age have coffee. Jack was at home on his phone on Instagram looking at pictures of himself and his friends. He just only has susan and daisy's phone number that all he thought to himself hey starting tomorrow I get more boy and girls phone numbers I. The morning Jack got his backpack ready and his shoes on he walks to school but he was alone no Lisa no manny he was sad at school he seen manny with Mikey talking her didn't want to bother him so he just walked away heathcliff looked more insane his hair was all over and messy his clothes was ripped and dirty. Hello Jack he said while stuttering how it going Jack then didn't answer and continued walking he seen lynn he ran up so her and ask for her phone number she said yes but before she did it she thought maybe fight her for it she then took out super Mario flower power up and blasted Jack's face with her fire power up


Jack took a pencil and threw it at lynn it missed lynn then took out a sword from Zelda and slashed it at Jack he dodges most of her swing but she lashes his leg with the sword he backflip and tried to get away from her as possible before attacking daisy came in and stopped Jack from running she took out her heart bow n arrow and points it at Jack he was the other way to see lynn running with her sword at him

Lynn and daisy surround Jack what should he do he ran into a classroom and smashed a chair on lynn that didn't hurt lynn said she throw Jack into a wall and try to stab him with the master sword from zelda she put the sword back in her bag and took out a lightsaber she swing faster with it daisy was trying to shot Jack with her arrow but keep missing Jack then throw another chair at lynn but she cuts it with her lightsaber This time you will lose Jack she said daisy then shoots her arrow but it hits lynn's back she fell on the floor daisy then put her bow n arrow away and now had to fight Jack with her hands now she punches him a few times and took lynn's backpack while had all her video game items in it she took out a Mario power star daisy was running fast she punched Jack while running really fast around him she then kicked him into the Auditorium the power star ran out of time and disappeared Jack was in the floor hurt

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