Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Mikey was playing basketball he was having fun with his friends Andy and Chad they were in the school yard Andy wins all the time while Chad wins less of the time Mikey got tired and drank some water but then got flashbacks of how he acted towards Jack he wanted to apologize he felt bad and didn't want to hurt him he had flashbacks of that day he seen him fight andy after that while Jack was going home he ran into Andy and accidently punches him Mikey seen it all he grabs jack by the collar and throws him into a trash can he Then smashes his face on a brick wall over and over again jack then was thrown into a gate he was son the floor mikey walked away after brutally beating jack.The flash back stopped he slowly teared up he went inside he was crying he couldn't control himself he punched the wall it made a creak on it mikey notices he was strong the wall had a big creak he then heard the screams of jack he covered his ears and yells he ran into the bathroom and looked at the mirror he notice jack and Evan was behind him but it was all a hallucination mikey went very insane he laughs very crazy and wild he punches the mirror and broke the window in the bathroom Andy and Chad ran in and hold his arms trying to prevent him from causing more damage but mikey was too powerful that he threw both of them out the window they landed on the grass hey chad said he then gets up so did andy they then ran away from the mikey mr musa came across mikey going crazy he hold mikey by hugging him hard mikey laugh rough and a very manic way he took mr musa and threw him into a tree knocking him out mikey then fell to the ground And groans in pain ow

It hurts he said my powers he take a deep breath and stood up he walked out of the bathroom which is destroyed and walks home he had his hand on his head he then ran into halpin she was very happy and felt like messing around she talked to mikey hey mikey what you doing she said mikey respond with please don't talk to me I feel very strange she said why I just wanted to know how your feeling he then said halpin mikey said stop it halpin said well if you want me to- mikey grabs halpin's neck he then raised her up she grabs his hand and tried to talk but mikey then throws her into the floor halpin get up and gets mad


Halpin jumps up and try to kick mikey but he grabs her leg and smashes her into the ground mikey then throws her into 3 buildings she went though 3 buildings and she then took a rock and threw it at mikey it hit his face he fell down halpin got on mikey and punches his face but I did nothing mikey punches halpins face and she felt pain her indestructible Powers were not powerful enough to handle mikey's powers she kicked mikeys face his nose bleed he punches halpin's face very fast over and over again her face was very bloody and her head were creaked over mikey grabs halpin's neck he then crushes her neck and stabs her with his hand into her body her rips out her organs and her heart he throws her into the floor he open his mouth and bites her heart she watches slowly dying her vision got blurry she closes her eye crying and she smiles a second before dying mikey walks away he ha blood on his face he smiles and said look somebody messed with the wrong teen

The next day jack was walking to school but then seen halpin on the ground she was dead he ran to her yelling halpin no he got on his knees and cry over her no why he tears up and cry this can't be she was just a nice and cute person a friend to me jack then gets up and said who ever did this they will pay


Jack walked around to people trying to find out who killed Halpin he called at everywhere he ran into Mikey he told mikey what happen to halpin mikey had to lie and said I don't he broke into tears mikey was crying he ran into a different bathroom and ran into a bathroom stall he crys and realized what he have done he didn't mean to kill halpin but he couldn't control himself he had flashbacks of years ago he watched his own parents die and couldn't saved them he was a lonely boy until he found a school that lets kids in for free to learn mikey continued to cry jack walks into the bathroom he put his ear behind the one of the bathroom stall doors and listen to mikey's crys jack sat down behind the door he said hey mikey I didn't knew you cared for halpin that bad jack smiled and said im glad you feel bad for halpin because I do too even with out her we will always muddle through the darkness and find light and our dreams mikey stopped crying he said thanks for being nice to me after all I done to you and all the pain I gave you jack got up and said it ok I knee how you feel I can never ever hurt a person who I already hurt im a nice kid who wants to help

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