Chapter 5 (edited)

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(Alisha's pov)

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

Alisha: "Hi," I answered in a sleepy voice.

Sonia: "Hi."

Alisha: "Girl, why are you calling me so early?"

Sonia: "I'm getting married," she blurted out.

Alisha: "What?"

Now, I was fully awake.

Sonia: "Yes," she replied.

Alisha: "When?"

Sonia: "In a week, and my engagement is the day after tomorrow."

Alisha: "What?" I asked, even more shocked.

Sonia: "Trust me, I was more shocked."

Alisha: "Are you happy with this marriage?"

Sonia: "Yes. You know I'm marrying Hamza."

Alisha: "Wait a second, are you saying it's the same Hamza you had a crush on in college?"

Sonia: "Yes, the same one. That's why I want you to be here with me on this special day. You're my sister and bestie."

Alisha: "Of course, I'll be there."

Sonia: "You know your whole family is invited. I wanted to tell you myself, but my mother already called yours for the invitation."

Alisha: "Okay, bye. I have to get so many things done as I'm the bride's bestie."

Sonia: "Bye."

After the phone call ended, I ran downstairs and saw everybody in the living room watching TV.

Mama: "Why are you running?"

Alisha: "I was running because Shameer bhai cut in front of me. You know how we told you not to run? What if you fall down?"

Shameer bhai: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, just be careful," Shameer bhai replied.

Alisha: "Okay, I want you guys to listen to me carefully. Sonia, my bestie, is getting married, and her engagement is the day after tomorrow. She invited all of us."

Mama: "I know, bacha. Her mother called me to invite us. Are you guys coming?"

Baba: "I'm coming. She's my best friend's daughter."

Mama: "I'm also coming because my friends will be there."

(By the way, Sonia's mother is friends with Alisha's mother, and Sonia's father is friends with Alisha's father. They are common friends with Salaar's father.)

Shameer: "I'm also coming because I need to protect my sister from those hormonal boys."

Shaveer: "Copy-paste," he said to Shameer's line.

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