Chapter Two

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I swear I stood, looking at myself in that mirror for hours. I tried touching parts of my face, and speaking multiple times, but it wasn't me! This girl was in the place of me, and she didn't look like a normal student with her freakish mint green hair. I went through 3 bells just to find out what was going on, and even after 3 I was still clueless.

"Okay, Lukas, this is not going to work you need to figure out why thi-" I stood up and looked at my face again; my eyes... my eyes were freaking purple. This is what finally set me off. Like a normal person I screamed. I screamed out loud, and quite frankly very high pitched and annoyingly. Then, I passed out.

I woke up in the nurse's' office surprisingly, Erin by my side, Wait why was she by my side. "

She doesn't know it's me right. I mean I'm still this creepy gi-" I thought then I sat up, and it was me. I mean-I was me.

"Wow, what a crazy dream!" I thought then sat on the side of the bench I was on, and looked over at Erin.

"Oh you're u-" she paused

"What, do I have something on my face?"

"Uh-Ye-no. Not really. I mean kind of but like, still not really. It's not on its kinda not uh well..."

"Erin, just spit it out." I bluntly stated.

"Your eyes..." She said was an interesting look on her face

It came back to my head all at once, the dream... was it a dream, or was it all real? One million storms went off in my head. My hands started to shake, but I don't want to show anyone that I'm nervous, I can't let that happen.

"W-what do you mean Erin?" I laughed off

"Lukas, is something going on?"

"No, I'm just going to go home, It's fine it's only fourth period, and It'd just be better if I leave. Bye Erin... see ya soon"

I walked out of there as fast as I could, I didn't grab my backpack, I didn't even realize it was raining. So I just walked out into pouring rain.

"Lukas don't be afraid!"

"Who is it?" I tried turning around in circles, finding a visible person.

"I'm not a person, I'm you"

"Okay if you don't come out right now I'm going to take you out by force!"

"Lukas can you just listen to me for a momen-"

"How the hell do you know my name, seriously stop!" I held my head trying to shake out this feeling.

"Shaking your head won't work, Lukas if you won't listen I'l-"

"You'll what! Kill me! WHO ARE YOU?" I was screaming hardly my voice trying to find someone, I was getting very angry.

"You leave me no choice..."

Next thing I know, see my fingertips turn blue, but the skin but almost flames rising upon them, no heat, but it is weird.

"What the-"

I tried running away from any visible view, as I was running, I felt like I wa getting shorter, I recognized this feeling all too much. As I recognized the feeling I stopped.

"Holy shit..." I said as my voice blended into hers. I realized the voice I heard earlier was the voice which wasn't mine. The girl talking to me was me, or the girl who was in the bathroom earlier, and at that moment I was her.

"What do you want..."I whispered, I didn't fully understand the gratitude of this situation.

"I just want you to listen to me. I'll return you back to your original form once you get in a place where we can talk."

"How can we talk, you're me and I'd be talking to my- . You know what I'm probably schizophrenic and it's all in my head, and I'm imagining everything, it's just a daydream, I'm just going to wake back up and everything will be fine again!" I finished. As soon as I blinked I was back to myself. None of it made any sense. I continued to walk home, matter of fact I was getting quite stuffy, I'm really quite stupid that I just ran out in the rain like that, typical Lukas. I continued to walk until I got to my front porch and used my key to get in. My mom was home, but my dad was still at work.

"Lukas, why aren't you at school, and why are you dripping wet?"

"Mom, do we have lines of schizophrenia in our family?"

"Wha-no. No we don't honey why do you ask? Are you seeing things, do I need to call a doctor." My mom came to my side to feel my damp head. "You are a bit odd feeling. How about you just lie down on the couch, just let me put down some towels fir-" before she knew it I was asleep. That was the day I like to call 'I was too oblivious to the situation and not I wish I would have listened to that crazy voice in my head'

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