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I sat on my couch, watching T.V when my doorbell rang. I got up, opening the door as Skid and Pump ran into the house. I looked up to see Lila, having an apologetic smile plastered on her face.

"I'm really sorry for making you babysit all of a sudden..." Lila scratched the back of her neck nervously. I smiled at her.

"Nah it's fine, I understand!" I shrugged, making her sigh in relief.

"You boy's behave! And thanks again Y/n." She yelled as she ran back to her car. I waved her goodbye and turned to the kids.

"So what do you guy's want to do?" I asked the two, making Skid and Pump turn to eachother and smile.

"Can we go to the park?" They asked in unison. I nodded at them before opening the door.

"Alright! Let's go then!" I locked the door behind up before walking on the sidewalk. Skid and Pump mainly talked about halloween and being excited since it was only a month away. Skid turned his head to me.

"Hey Miss Y/n?" He asked. I looked down at him questioningly.

"Yes Skid?" I said.

"How did you and mom meet?" He questioned.

"It was in high school I moved there, and Your mom and Jaune where the ones that talked to me the most, and we were in contact even out of high school. Then after Lila had you they moved here!" I said, not feeling going into much detail. Skid nodded as we arrived at the park.

The boys quickly ran away to the play area as I sat at a bench. I sat there watching the kids play until I heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n?" The voice asked, laced with confusion. I looked over my shoulder to see Bob wearing a red sweater, staring down at me. "What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Watching my friend's kid's at the park. What are you doing here?" I turned back to see Skid and Pump doing a goofy dance, making me quietly laugh.

" Eh, just walking I guess." He sat down next to me, looking over to the kids. We sat in comfortable silence as we watched the kids play and run around. The kids then ran up to us.

"Miss Y/n? Who's that?" Pump asked, staring at Bob.

"He's my friend! His name is Bob." I told the boys calmly. Just then my stomach started grumbling. Bob looked at me and held in a laugh.

"Hungry?" He joked." I nodded as I felt my face turn red. "How about we get some food? I'll pay." Bob stood up.

"You don't have to pay!" I protested. He simply shrugged before grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

"Cmon, do you want food or not?" He asked, letting go of my arm. He started walking away from us. I sighed.

"...fine. Let's go kids." I grumbled, walking up to Bob. The kids cheered, running around us happily. After a bit of walking, we ended up at a small burger place.

"What would you guys like to order?" The person at the counter said blandly once we walked in.

"Can we get two kid meals and a hamburger please?" I asked the person at the counter.

"alright. Go get your drinks and go sit at a booth. I'll call the table number when your food's ready." The worker stared at their phone, barely looking up.

The second we sat down, I turned to Bob.

"Why didn't you order something for yourself?" I questioned. He stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I'm not hungry..." he muttered. I sighed.

"Then at least let me pay for me and the kids?" Bob rolled his eyes before smiling.

"Fine. You're stubborn." Bob joked. I stuck my tongue at him. I looked over to the kids to see them staring at the both of us intently, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Table 2, your food's ready." I looked over to the piece of paper that sat on the table.

Table number:


I was about to get up, until I saw Bob already walking up to get the food. He brought the food over to the table and Skid and Pump immediately snatched the food off of the tray. I grabbed the burger and looked over to Bob. He was staring at the worker at the counter while...drooling?

"are you ok?" I asked, grabbing his shoulder. He jumped from my touch, making me quickly pull my hand back.

"Huh? Oh... yeah." He responded, staring at the table. I took another bite from the burger and looked out the window. It was getting pretty dark outside.

After a few more bites, I finished the burger. I looked over to the kids and saw them chatting happily while finishing their food.

I felt my phone buzz un my pocket. Pulling it out, I noticed Lila texted me.


Hey Y/n I'm gonna be there in about 15


Ok, I'll see you later then

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I got up to the worker and pulled out my wallet, sliding over $17 to them, before walking back ti the table.

"We need to start going home kids. Lila just told me that she's gonna be there soon." I told Skid and Pump. They hopped out of the booth.

"Want me to walk there with you?"Bob asked standing up. I smiled at him.

"If you want to, but you don't have to though." I replied. He nodded before walking out the door. The four of us walked back onto the sidewalk.

"Hey Bob?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Thank you for hanging out with me." He smiled. We may have only met today, but I could tell he was a good friend. A few minutes passed and we finally ended up at my house.

"I gotta go now, I'll see you tomorrow Y/n." Bob said as I walked onto the porch.

"See you tomorrow Bob." I smiled and waved. Me, Skid and Pump walked into the house, sitting onto the couch as the kids put on Happy Fella on the T.V. A knock was heard, and I opened it to see a tired Lila standing smiling.

"Hey Y/n. How where the kids?" She asked.

"They were very good!" Skid and Pump ran over to us once they heard Lila's voice.

"Well, I think it's time to go now. I'll see you again some time Y/n, and thanks for helping me." I smiled at Lila.

"No problem Lila. Goodnight." I told her as I closed the door. I sighed. It was a rather tiring day. I looked over to my clock.

10:24 pm

I need to go to sleep soon. I went up the stairs into my room. Quickly getting dressed into pajamas, I flopped into my bed, my eyelids getting heavier as I buried myself in blankets. I couldn't wait to go to work tomorrow. I wanted to see Bob again already!

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