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I felt my eyes slowly open my eyes, yet it was too dark to see anything. The smell of the iconic metallic liquid hit my nose, making me gag. The only thing I could feel was my wrists and ankles have cold metal wrapped around them.

"Where am I...?" I cringed at how much it hurt to even speak. I started remembering the other night. Lila and Skid, another break in,... Bob. That's why I was here. Bob made me pass out and must have put me here.

I tried to pull my arms from behind me, yet they didn't move at all. My eyes started getting used to the dark, So I could start to see in front of me. The floor was wooded and the paint on the walls were chipped. Around the walls were some picture frames with some pictures that had figures I couldn't make out.

The door bursted open in front of me, making light fill the room. Bob stood at the door with a plate of what seemed like a steak.

"The Angel's awake!~" he hummed. He sat down the plate and pull out a knife, making my eyes widen.

"You seemed like you seen a ghost! Heh, don't worry, You're not gonna be turned into my meal." Bob laughed. He cut the steak and brought it up to my face. It smelt really good that it made my mouth almost water.

I bit down into the steak. It tasted amazing!

"You seem happy~ don't worry! I'll always cook human for you!" I froze.

"Human...?" I swallowed the chunk of meat that was in my mouth. Bob only nodded.

"The rest of Streber's arm! I placed it in my freezer before going after you and the kids at the candy store on Halloween. I never got to eat it for obvious reasons though." I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"Eat the rest, I gotta go do some stuff now." He grabbed a headband with devil horns that sat on the wall and left. Tears pricked my eyes.

"How did I get myself into this mess..." I curled up into a ball. I looked over to the plate of meat beside me. Poor Streber... Every time I pass that house I would still feel bad for him. I kicked the plate as far away from me as I could. I'd rather starve than eat Streber's arm.

I sat in silence. None of this wouldn't have happened if I never took that job from boys and grills...

The door creaked open. I immediately looked up. Bob held a bloodied sack behind his back, while in his demon costume. I shuddered, remembering Halloween.

He walked in and looked at the plate, not pleased.

"You barely ate..." he frowned. "I suggest you do, since you're not getting anymore until tomorrow." He pushed the plate back to me. He opened a freezer that I didn't notice was there, making the room brighter.

I looked into the fridge, and felt like throwing up. There were hundreds of random limbs and organs labeled in bags. He pulled out some random bags before closing the freezer door and leaving.

He came back with his devil horns in his hand. He put them back onto the wall before sitting next to me.

"Hungry?" He handed me the plate once again.

"I don't wanna eat Streber..." I curled into a ball as I felt tears prick my eyes. He sighed before getting up. He picked up the plate and left me alone again.

A few minutes later he came back with another plate of food.

"...Is it another arm...?" I asked scared. Bob shook his head.

"No it's not. It's just a normal steak." He held up the fork to me. I hesitantly took a bite. It tasted different from the arm, and tasted really good. Soon enough the plate was finished and he left satisfied. This gave me an idea

"If I listen to him... maybe he will finally leave me alone...?"

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