I Find a Feather

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NOTE: this chapter is super short cuz i didnt really wanna write the entire "we get advise from a poodle" sorry

Apparently, Satyrs can talk to animals, I found this pout after Grover asked a poodle for directions to a train, we now still on said train, everyone else is asleep, my back still hurts from the cuts on it.

I slowly stur awake from the pain and realize Annie is laying next to me, her hand on my chest, I feel the heat rise in my cheek but my pain is to great to think about that now. I get up and walk towards the restroom, I lift my shirt and see the dried blood, I feel around it and find......a feather? hmm must have feel into my shirt as we were walking in the forest and it must have gotten into my wound.

I tug on it and it falls out, I flinch, I must have been in further then I thought, cuz it hurt alot "ow, ow ow ow, why did that hurt so much!?" I say in a whisper yell as I bite my tongue.

I clean the blood and walk back to the room and lay back down next to Annabeth, she rolls over again and wraps her arm around my waist, I try to move but her grip gets tighter ever time I try, eventually i accept my fate and fall back to sleep.

(Word count 238) sorry its so short😭

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