I Join a Quest

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Me and Percy stand in front of Chiron and Dionysus "as a forbidden child of Poseidon and the First born of Nike, you are your parents only hope to prevent the outbreak of war" Chiron explains as I tap my spear to the ground, why doesn't this feel right? "for months, Zeus and Poseidon, have been locked in a dispute over the master bolt, the symbol of Zeus's authority..... and it has been stolen" I stop tapping, how does the king of the gods lose his most prized possession?

"and Nike, your mother Y/N, has been accused of assisting Poseidon" Percy and me share a look "ok....who stole it?" Percy asks "You two did" "What?"

"Zeus is looking for a thief, sees a forbidden child claimed by his jealous brother and then sees a child claimed by the suspected accomplice to the crime right after... It doesn't look good for you, kids." I stand up "we didn't do anything." 

Chiron places a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, It doesn't work "Of course, you didn't. But your parents need your help. An ultimatum has been given to them by Zeus that if they don't return the bolt by the summer solstice in one week... there will be war. That is your quest. You must leave immediately." I pull away "Leave?! Leave for where?"

"Zeus is king on Olympus and Poseidon has always resented it, but... there is a third brother who has always deeply resented them both." I think for a moment but Percy speaks first "It's Hades."

"Yes." Percy looks down at Chiron's cloven hooves "The bolt is with Hades. In the Underworld." I bite my tongue "Jesus Fucking Christ" "I know it sounds daunting. But you won't be alone, a quest is always undertaken by four." Percy looks almost as mad as me now "Great. Good luck finding those guys, 'cause it ain't gonna be me." Percy yells "Poseidon and Nike have claimed you. This is there will." I go to speak but Percy speaks first

"Poseidon has ignored me my entire life."  "You are his son." Percy pauses before yelling "I am Sally Jackson's son!" Dionysus scoffs "Who's Sally Jackson?" Percy pauses and looks at the god of wine and yells "She's the one who cared enough to call herself my mother. She's the one who got herself killed, so that I could be safe here." 

"The fate of the world hangs in the balance. You will accept this quest!" "I wo-" I dont often think before I do, but this time I had no hesitation when I sucker punched the god of wine across the cheek, he fell back, Chiron and Percy looked shocked. "....YOU LITTLE-"

"Hey, everybody." 

"Grover, now is not the time." we all look to Grover, his presents calms me down a bit "I'm sorry, sir. But I have news." "Grover..." 

"Sally Jackson is alive!" Percy's face softens "It looked like she died, but it only looked that way. Your mother was stolen... by Hades. Which means she's with him now, in the Underworld. That's where they want you to go too, isn't it?" me and Percy look at each other as i rub my red knuckles "If you can find her there... I think you can bring her back."

Me and Percy look at each other, Percy sighs reluctantly "....when do we leave" Chiron sighs, relived "Then it is time for you to consult the Oracle"


"whom" Chiron corrected

"Same difference" I said as Dionysus gave me the stink eye

"go upstairs, children, to the attic. when you come back down, assuming your still sane, we'll talk more"


Percy Jackson and the Child of Victory (Annabeth Chase x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now