New girl

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This morning I woke up bright and early, I needed to start training for the comps ahead of me. This was my year I could feel it.

The smell of the ocean breeze blew past me gliding through my golden brown wavy hair, I smiled as I made it to the top of the hill after running for ages.

I miss waking up this early and being this productive.

I sat down taking in the view before I made my way back down the steep hill.

I got to the beach taking my surfboard out of my car and running for the waves, the surf was pumping today. Waves crash at every angles, perfect.

I dived under a small wave coming up to see a big wave growing in the distance.

I started paddling getting taken away by the wave standing up and ripping it and landing a 360.

After about and hour of surfing I drove home to the smell of my mum cooking breakfast.

"Yum, what ya making mum" I ask putting my stuff down in my room and coming back out to the kitchen.

"Pancakes, gluten free for you" she puts the plate down on the table in-front of me.

I scoff the pancakes down, I haven't eaten this morning and training on an empty stomach probably wasn't the best idea but I didn't wanna wake anyone up.

"Hey kid" my older brother says walking into the kitchen patting me on the head "where'd you go this morning?" He ask chomping on a pancake he stole from my plate.

"Training I have a comp today and a few coming up, I need to be ready"

"Next time do it quieter, I need my beauty sleep" he laughs going back to him room.

"Okay mum I need to get ready for this comp I'm picking ari up and meeting everyone down there" I say running off to my room.

Ari was my best friend, he has been since forever.

Once I arrived at his house I walked straight in greeting him mum and dad.

Ari come around the corner with his wet suit in one hand and surfboard in the other.

"Okay well have fun today guys, remember I've got to go pick summer up from the airport won't be home til later" aris mum Abby calls out as we leave.

I wave to her starting the car and driving out of there.

"Summer, who's summer" I ask confused

"Oh some random girl, we used to be mates when her mum lived here, our mums were best friends. But she moved to newyork and is now coming back cause her mums going away. So she's staying with us for the summer" he says

"Oh cool, that will be fun an extra little house mate for you. Maybe a new girlfriend" I tease.

We arrive at the comp heading inside with our boards.

We see bodhi and poppy in front of prawnies van making TikTok's, ari stops and stares

"Jeez way to make it obvious ari" I nudge him as he starts waking again.

"Uh one sec" he says spinning around and then bumping into a girl with his surfboard pushing her over.

"Sorry,sorry. Are you alright" he ask helping her up.

"Yeah if the concussion doesn't take me in the night" the girl groans

"Your American" he says

" yeah I've been consigned here like an old Timey British convict. Staying with this family I haven't seen in forever."

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