Semi final

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It was the next day of the comp and I was chilling with poppy getting ready for our heat. Summer comes over and starts talking about catching a ride to the airport and prawnie agrees to take her.

I zipped up my wetsuit and started to head down to the beach with poppy, bodhi was standing there by her self so we began to walk up to her when we saw what she was looking at.

Marlon and ari were fighting, something must of happened during the heat.

"You know whatever, I'm not fighting you. You're injured." Marlon yells before walking away

Ari chases after Marlon tackling him to the ground, I watch with a weirded out expression on my face as the others girls seemed to do the same

" is this some mystical surf ritual that I don't know about or some stupid boy fight" summer asks not looking away from the boys.

" stupid boy fight" we all say at the same time as the boys rolled around on the floor flicking up sand at everyone.

" I don't have time for this, manu" poppy calls out as manu comes running down the path way breaking up the fight.

" what's going on here guys?" The commentators came over to ask.

The boys played it chill, they said they would just goofing around.

Bodhi took Marlon to go get food. I saw  anchor cove, standing around watching the fight.

I catch the eye of griff, he waves at me twinkling his fingers with the same cheeky smirk on his face that he can't seem to wipe off.

We used to be friends in primary school. But he surfs for anchor cove now. I haven't talked to him since.

Manu takes ari away to talk with him. As I sit down on the beach Waiting for my heat.

" that was pretty pathetic" Sheridan laughs, she's one of the anchor cove girls. I've always hated her, she's a nasty bitch.

Summer walks over to them complaining about her broken skateboard

" you owe me a new skateboard" summer says

" if you're going to leave it lying around in the car park. It's not my fault it gets busted" she smirks

I stand up going over to help summer

" I think $200 should cover it" summer says unamused.

" Sheridan hi" I fakely smile  " Can I talk to you real quick?" I say to summer

" is she a friend of yours?" Sheridan asks

" yeah she's new it's recent" I say back

" hey fi nice job making quarters, because you didn't win any finals last year" griff stands up

Summer try's to fight back but I pull her back to me " thanks for the support Griff"

I take summers hand leading her away.

" who are they?" Summer asks

" anchor cove boardriders, they've all got massive tickets on themselves just ignore them" I say as I continue walking

" are you kidding? We need to get payback" she laughs

" I'll get payback in the water" I say walking away

My heat had just started I run into the ocean splashing water on my face as I paddled  out on my board.

Poppy was next to me I looked over and smile as she returned the favor.

" it's neck and neck with Shorehaven, poppy Tetinui And Fionn Gladstone and anchor Cove Lily Tran" the commentator spoke.

Poppy takes the wave from Lilly as I cheer her on from the water. I catch the one behind getting an awesome score of 8.4

" Gladstones, looking so powerful on her Home break, that should seal the win for her"

The semi finals had just started and me poppy and bodhi were against Sheridan.

Poppy falls on one of her waves, I can see she is really stressed out.

"Poppy tetinui, bodhi Merced and Sheridan Morehouse nocked out of the comp as Fiona Gladstone takes the win" the commentator spoke

The boys semi finals was up now, and ari was against griff.

Waves crash in the distance but I notice ari is looking a bit off.

Ari runs away heading up to the car park I run after him. But when I get there summer was already with him.

I stop behind a car close enough to hear them.

" are you okay? What happened?" Summer asks " Is this some kind of joke?"

I hear ari breathing heavily.

" are you epileptic? diabetic?" Summer pushes " is this something your family really should've told me about"

Prawnie honks his horn. Calling over summer.

"Should I go get help" summer suggests

" no no please stay don't leave" ari begs

Wth, why wouldn't he want me to help or something.

"Okay I can do that" she sits down next to ari " just try to breath normal" I hear her say before I storm off down back to the beach.

" raining state champ, Griff Temple has been absolutely cooking" the commentator says

Griff wins as everyone cheers for him, I roll my eyes as he comes out the water gloating.

Ari comes and sits with me poppy and bodhi.

"Yo! Watch out" summer calls as I see Sheridan's car rolling down the hill.

Sheridan runs up the hill, picking up her broken board off the floor, " my board" she yells out

" did she do that on purpose?" Poppy ask

" she's a monster" ari laughs

" I was at yours, so sorry" summer says sarcastically

As Sheridan drops the board storming off.

Giff walks over to me he stops in front towering over me as he says " nice job today Fi, didn't think you could actually pull that off" he laughs

" yeah and you still can't pull that haircut off Griff" I laughs walking away.

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