The training week

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"Hey ari you coming for a surf with us?" I ask running down the board walk with Marlon and bodhi.

We were all half way out in the surf already, I turn around and see ari running for the water. I feel like I haven't surfed with him in ages.

I looked over at ari who was also waiting for a wave to come, I see one in the distance and take my chance.

After our surf we go back to manus to do reviews. I sat next to ari and the two love birds were curled up next to each other.

They get up to aris clips, and every one was coming for him asking about his shoulder and what his doctor said.

I know ari has a lot of pressure on him, and he also puts a lot of pressure on himself to be the best. But it can be tricky after being about for a year.

"Great sessions guys, boards back on the rack then go get changed." Poppy's yells out to the kids from her lesson. " if you want honey to learn anything, you can't just ignore her while you do your thing." Poppy seems annoyed at summer. She was teacher honey how to skate board

" why not it's how I learnt" summer says

" it's okay Poppy, we're just having fun" honey adds.

" or maybe I could do your whole drill sergeant thing super fun" Summah says sarcastically.

" I've got another class coming sorry but you need to go somewhere else" poppy says trying to be nice.

" who needs school to learn how to stand up on a board anyways" summer laughs

" oh, yeah, surfing takes commitment and patience, as far as I can tell you have neither" poppy bites and walks away

" wow I can see why they made you a teacher so inspirational. If you ask me this whole joint is a con job run by children where are the parents?" Summer yells out to poppy.

My jaw drops knowing what's coming next

" Dad's away Mum's dead"

Summer seems shocked and embarrassed. Everyone looked around at each other no knowing what to do.

Later on I go over to poppys. I find her on the exercise bike.

"So that summer girls got some really issues" I say leaning against a post

"Tell me about it"

"Um me bodhi and Marlon are going down to farouks if you wanna come, I herd they sell vegan burgers now"

"Maybe I'll be another 45" she reply's

"20 please"

"Hey fi" Manu comes around the corner I can tell he wants to talk to poppy so I say my goodbyes and head out

"Good job to day same time tomorrow" Manu calls out.

Later I walk out onto the beach. I sit down watching the sun begin to go down. Poppy was teaching a class in the water and not to far over was summer trying to listen in on what poppys saying also trying to catch a wave.

Poppy spots summer and goes over to help her catch a wave in which she did with poppys help. I laugh I knew poppy would cave eventually she can never stay mad at anyone.

"Hey fi" I hear griff from behind

"Griff, what ya up to"

" just walking by and saw you all lonely and stuff just wanted to come make fun of you"

"Your funny"

" is that that summer girl out there, man she sucks"

" why do you like her?" I pat his chest

"No, you jealous"

"You wish" I walk away.

I got myself and ice cream and walked down to summer who was recording a review for poppy.

"Hi summer"

" oh hey Fiona"

"are you filming poppys review"

"Yeah I kinda owed her a favour after what happened the other day."

I laugh " yeah that's was crazy, well take care I'll see you in a bit"

I walk home and shower take off my make up and get ready for bed.

Poppy calls me.

I pick it up hopping into bed.

"Omg my brother is driving me crazy" she says through the phone.

"Which one?"

"Manu, I had to do my own review because of he has had me on classes all week and I haven't been able to train. Then I hear him talking to summer through the video and he goes 'ya'know mum always said she'd be a world champ one day, she was always the optimist' um excuse me"

"Damm pops that sucks, I'm always here to help you if you need someone to train with"

"It just frustrates me so much that he has so much power over me"

I agree with her as she went of to explain to me how she spoke to ari. We hung up the phone and I went to bed.

The rival (griff x Fiona)Where stories live. Discover now