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" board riders is a team event so I need you to all support each other this week alright?" Manu says as he walks around with a clip board.

Manu suggests we need a captain. And of course Marlon steps up. We all know poppy if the best for this. So obviously manu made poppy captain.

"On ya pops" everyone cheers and congratulats her except Marlon.

Manu gives one of his famous speeches and pumps us all up to train.

All of us girls went out for a surf with summer while the boys did something with Manu.

Summer had gotten better and poppy wasn't happy that she was getting waves over bodhi.

We all came out of the water

"What do you think you're doing out there? You're letting summer take you out" poppy argues

" waves just didn't come my way"

" you ate my froth" summer try's to use surf language laughing

"Ate my froth?" I say

"What not a thing?"

" you didn't even use the local knowledge you could've sucked some big time" poppy goes on

"Um excuse me" summer says

" You know those annoying lefts that look sick, then close out?" Poppy asks

"Ofcorurse I do" bodhi says

"So use them. Make it look like it's amazing like you're going to thousand percent then fake out and then you're opponent will wipe out but you need to step it up" poppy says

"No you need to back off" bodhi bite's annoyed. " I don't tell you how to surf so stop telling me." Bodhi nudges past poppy walking off.

"That was intense" I say

"She's just annoyed because she knows I'm right."

Later on I go over to aris house. I see him and summer talking

I go over to them and say hi and they both go quiet

"What's wrong" I ask confused

"Uh nothing" ari says

"Wait you haven't told Fiona, isn't she like your best friend" summer says making me more confused.

"What? Haven't told me what?" I say

Ari gives summer a wth look and turns to me " nothing don't worry about it" he walks off

"Ari come back" I yell

" what so you can tell summer this secret but not me?" I ask

"She wasn't supposed to she just found out"

"So why can't you tell me then" I say following him into the house

"Because it's none of your business alright" ari snaps and yells at me

I stood there shocked and embarrassed all I manage to slip out was "alright" and ran off.

To get to my house I have to drive past anchor cove and while I was driving past I see Marlon's mums car parked out the front. Wth.

I drive home and go straight to sleep I was to tired for anything and we have the comp tomorrow.

We got to the comp the next morning bright and early. And before everything started Manu gave a big speech about his mother it was beautiful.

Heat one was about to kick off. Poppy was up first and I thought she would do awesome. But she let down today.

At least she made it back in time. Poppy was really bummed about it tho.

Tommy and bodhi did awesome bringing our score up. As did everyone else.

Griff was doing awesome out there I caught my self cheering for him. Until Marlon takes the wave away.

We were all standing around prawnies van.

" hey pops" griff walks over

"What do you want griff"

" I just wanted to say, I'm sorry your Mum is not here to see this. She was super cool."

Aww how sweet. But griffs never that sweet so what was he planing.

" and bro, when the oldies at Ankor Cove, take this long to make a decision, it's usually a no just in case you're getting your hopes up" he says to Marlon.

I knew it. That's why I saw Marlon at anchor cove. Griff walks off

"That's why I saw you at anchor cove" I say

" so I had a meeting with him no biggie" Marlon says

"No biggie" poppy says

" ordinary move, mate ordinary" Thomo says

" yeah, why would you want to surf with those garbage humans?" Summer asks

" resources.  as if you guys haven't thought about it" Marlon says

" I've genuinely never thought about it" I say

" Shorehaven is family where is your loyalty?" Poppy asks.

Marlon starts packing up his stuff. We were all disappointed in him.

I was up now and I was waiting for the perfect wave. It just wasn't coming. Utill I saw the perfect wave and took it getting a perfect score.

"Marlons gone" summer says to me as I run out of the water

"Wdym he's gone" I yell

"An he's not answering his phone either" ari says " maybe we went abit hard on him"

"Are you serious? There is so much more I could of said" poppy disagrees

" I'm gonna do another lap and you come with me, okay?" Manu says to ari

We are only a couple of points behind anchor cove. But with out Marlon we're done for.

" I'll talk to the organisers maybe they'll let me surf twice" poppy suggest

"Pops you know the rules. When someone drops out the sub surfs" bodhi says

"Sub? You mean me?" Summer says

"Bodhs be real it'd be summer vrs griff it's ridiculous" poppy says

"Okay harsh"

" so when you need summer Shes right there, but when you don't you just chuck her away" bodhi says

"Okay. Okay you good to go" poppy says

"Sure if you want me to" summer says excited


"This may be a disaster" I say to poppy before running off.

Summer still hasn't caught a wave yet but neither has griff which is good.

Summer is going for it but fakes out she does it. This is summers chance.

We're all on the edge of our toes and she does it. She put us in front making us win.

We all cheer for summer.

WE WON!!!!

As I walk past him I give him a wink as he does to me. He smiles rubbing the back of his neck. Suck on that griff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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