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"You never mentioned to me that you met Chanyoung,"

Minji chuckled at her tone, "We only met by coincidence, and I forgot about it," She reasoned to the person on the other side of the phone.

It has been a few days since she arrived in Korea, and yet, she's still not finished unpacking. She now regrets bringing all of her books as it's taking her a long time to sort them through.

"Wait, did I wake you up? It's the middle of the night there in America,"

She heard the concerned tone Bona used, Minji forced her laughter down as she answered, "Oh no, I'm just finishing some of my homework," She lied, not wanting her to know.

Although she would like to see her best friend again, she was hoping to surprise her in person. Thus, for the days she was in Korea, none of her friends knew she was back.

After the call, Minji looked around the room, noticing how there were still a few boxes; then, she spotted the clock she saw the time. Sighing, Minji grabbed her bag and went out of her room.

As soon as she stepped into the living room, she was met with her driver waiting for her. Minji followed the driver into the car, already dreading going.

Since Minji immediately went to her mother without visiting her father, the Chairman asked her for a visit first thing in the morning.

Minji does not hate her father, but she also does not like him.

On the ride there, Minji calmed her nerves, reminding herself that her father was not some scary monster that would eat her, only her courage would be tested. She's quite sure that she'll be interrogated, though, she's also sure that her father must have someone keeping tabs on her and Tan.

The ride was swift as she didn't even realize that they arrived at her father's house. Releasing a tired sigh, Minji got out of the car after giving the driver a small smile while giving her thanks.

"Good morning," Minji greeted her father once she got inside his study, all she got from his father as a response was a nod, and letting her take a seat.

"How've you been?"

Minji forced out a smile, something she practiced for so long that she felt as if it had become so natural to her. "I've been great, I'm still trying to adjust my body with the time here,"

Her father hummed in acknowledgment before asking, "Did you enjoy yourself in America?"

"Yes, and it was different compared to here,"

"I heard about your academic performance from your mother, I'm happy to know that one of you didn't abandon your studies," Minji fell silent at his words, knowing very well he was pertaining to her brother.

Tan has never been active when it comes to his studies, even when they were studying in Korea, so it was obvious that her brother wouldn't exert any effort in his academic activities.

"Well, school is very important to me,"

Her father hummed in response before speaking up, "I gather you'll be enrolled in Jeguk High?" His question surprised her and she bit her lip.

Minji and her mother have never discussed where she'll be studying now that she's back in Korea, but it does make sense for her to go to Jeguk High, considering that her family owns it.

"Maybe, we haven't discussed it yet," Was all she said to her father, but it seems he was unsatisfied with his unsure answer, "Well, where else would you study? There's no other school better for you, plus most of your friends are at Jeguk High,"

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