My Tobias Rogers Headcanons

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New design: new and fresh headcanons! 


- He has stubble on his neck. 

 - Straight and homophobic. And transphobic. He insults, kills and spits on LGBT people of all kinds. 

 - He would spit on you during sex, hit you and then pull out and fall asleep right after he came. Really mysterious that he was single most of his life. Strange thing. 

 - He's incredibly misogynistic. He doesn't really like anyone very much, but women...Women belong in the kitchen and in bed. And if she don't sprint, she need a "helping hand"... 

 - He looks to me like someone who likes to drink beer. Toby is a beer drinker. Fucking lunatic.

 - He sleeps with socks on. He sleeps with his smelly, musty, muddy, dirty socks that are already stiff from sweat. 

 - He cleans his nose on his sleeves, or turtleneck if he has one. 

 - He claims that he hates drugs, hates junkies, hates dealers, but he does coke every now and then without really being addicted to it. If there's a good opportunity, he'll happily fill his nose. 

 - I have no idea if Toby's Creepypasta is still the same, if he has new canon facts, and if he can still be called "Ticci Toby". I googled it but couldn't find anything except his new look. But if I come across things like this and they don't fit with my headcanons, I will adapt them to the current situation and facts. "Headcanon" doesn't mean completely redesigning a character that isn't yours to your liking. That's just fucking rude. Anyways: He always hated his father, actually still hates him, he never wanted to be like his father and also thinks and claims that he is not like his father, but in fact he is much worse than his father. And now that he's grown up and the events at home happened many years ago, he's even somehow developed a certain understanding of his dad. In a very twisted, strange way. 

 - He stole his mask, hat, wig and generally most of his clothes from garbage cans and old clothing collections. Every now and then he beats truck drivers to death at rest stops when he sees that they have the same shoe size. Stuff like that. 

 - Toby has no friends. He's far too ugly and unsympathetic for that. 

 - He mostly only does it with prostitutes. He doesn't always let them alive. 

- He brings in people as "food" for the Slenderman whenever that creature calls him to do so. Outside and outside of that, Toby is a homeless, wandering serial killer. 

 - He deliberately runs over animals. Sometimes he even eats them. Yes, even if it was a dog or a cat. 

 - He hates being called Toby. Either you call him Tobias, or you just keep your mouth shut. 

 - He rapes, but only when he's drunk. Soberly, he limits himself to insulting women, slapping them  and saying disgusting stuff to them. 

 - Sometimes with Tourette he makes dog-like noises. And drools.

 - Nobody, absolutely NOBODY likes this guy. He's not even aesthetic in a mangy way or some sort of amusing bastard. Toby is just a disgusting piece of shit and would absolutely be worth having the electric chair reintroduced just for him. 

 - He always liked to fight a lot at school. He always looked like shit. That's why it never really occurred to the teachers that Toby would also be beaten black and blue at home. He actually looked as if he had jumped out of a moving car and slammed into a wall, all the time.

- He has no empathy whatsoever. Because no feeling of pain and stuff. He's a sadist. He knows no physical pain, but takes pleasure in watching others in pain.

 - The Slenderman ensures that nothing happens to Toby that would prevent him from continuing to work for him. If he is seriously injured, it heals him. If the police are on his trail, it teleports him away. In bad situations, it also ensures that Toby feels or thinks absolutely nothing, so that he can act as the perfect puppet.

 - The Slenderman never communicates with him directly. It speaks to him through hallucinations, sometimes taking the form of his sister or his father, depending on what is needed to get Toby to do something specific. 

 - He doesn't have Tourette's when it comes to sex. 

 - His voice sounds a bit nasal because he has a multiple broken nose. He also snores extremely loudly. 

 - He had always been very rude. He would knock over an old grandma and steal her walker. Which is what he already did as a teenager. 

 - The only person he sometimes listened to and could say he liked was his big sister. She was like Toby's first and only love. 


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