Chapter 1: A Date with Death

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Harry Potter has never wished to be famous, just to be loved. He wanted a caring family, not fame. And as Harry was fighting for his life and the lives of many witches and wizards, he didn't even know, he realised one thing. He had seen a lot of death. One which he could never forget was of his Godfather, Sirius Black. He loved that man. He was tired of being everyone's saviour and wanted to die a peaceful death. At least as much as Voldemort will allow him. When he saw Hermione hit by a killing curse from Bellatrix Lestrange, His intention to fight and live vanished, and he welcomed death willingly.

Harry was expecting to be in a place similar to where he met Dumbledore. The sight that greeted him was different but in a good way. As he settled into the plush armchair, he couldn't help but admire the grandeur. The walls painted a regal shade of golden yellow, casting a warm glow throughout the spacious office. The office was elegantly decorated with ornate furniture and exquisite artwork, exuding an air of sophistication and luxury. Everything carefully chosen to create a space that was inviting yet impressive.

Harry usually found these interiors intimidating, but somehow, he felt as if he was at home there. He was so engrossed in observing his surroundings that he didn't notice someone occupying the empty seat next to him until that person made their presence known by touching his arm. His body jerked from the sudden contact, and he turned to see who was there. As he realised who was there, his eyes began to water, and he leapt from this chair to hug them. "Oh! Mione, I was so worried for you. Thank Merlin, you are fine". Harry was not sure what he felt for her, but one thing that he could guarantee was that he could never imagine his life without Hermione. Why? That he couldn't say. "Harry, I thought I lost you. Are you all right?" As for Hermione, Harry was always the one for her, but she never said it because she didn't want to ruin their friendship.

When they were in each other's embrace, one person was rather smugly and adoringly watching them. This person was giving them time and was waiting for them to realise her presence. When she thought it had taken them too long, she cleared her throat to make her presence known to them. They sprang apart at the sudden sound and were flushing red from the embarrassment of being caught. She smirked and introduced, "Welcome, children, to my abode. I am Persephone, Goddess of Death. You can refer to me as Lady Persephone or Lady Death. Harry, you can address me as a mother if you are comfortable."

"Lady Death! I read there is a Lord of Death, Hades, One of the three Major Olympian Gods." Hermione could not control herself from asking. "Yes, I'm a Lady, the Goddess of Death. People on Earth have an unhealthy obsession with males being in command of everyone and everything. The books you are referring, are muggle literature, right?". "Yes, there is this book series called Percy Jackson. It describes the journey of one Percy, a demi-god and son of a mortal and the Greek god Poseidon (God of water). Now that you say, all the major gods are male. The only 2–3 goddesses I can recall are of marriage, agriculture and wisdom. The society is patriarchal." While Lady Death and Hermione discussed the topic, Harry sat there admiring his Mione. Wait, where did that come from, His Mione, though it sounds good.

"Now that I have cleared some of your doubts, I have some business to discuss with you both. I know what you will say, but trust me on this one. You are more than qualified for that. As you both already know, Harry is to defeat the Dark Lord. But Lord Voldemort or Tom Marvolo Riddle is now the one you have to conquer." "What! You are telling me that the person I was fighting all my life is not even the one I'm supposed to defeat? How is that even possible? I mean, I heard the prophecy myself, and Dumbledore said that Tom was the one who killed my parents, and he was the one responsible for Sirius's death. I Harry Potter is to defeat Lord Voldemort and rid the world of evil."

"That is the topic I want to discuss with you both. Harry, the prophecy exists, but the one you heard was not real. You and Tom are equals in the sense of power you have, but neither did he kill your parents nor mark you as his equal. Before you start arguing, please hear me out. You can ask any questions you have when I finish."


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