Chapter 7: Rise of the Ancients

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Silence prevails his announcement only to be broken by Lord Malfoy volunteering to speak. "I would like to speak if everyone agrees." Everybody nods their approval signaling Lord Malfoy to continue. "For far too long, the power of the Ancients, also known as the Sacred 12, has been left dormant. This has resulted in a decline in educational standards and a lack of awareness among new generations. Our ministry has become corrupt, and our customs and traditions are being disregarded. The quality of our magic has deteriorated due to the adulteration of magic and the influence of muggle ideologies. Let me be clear - I am not opposed to muggle-borns. However, I take issue with the ideologies that they promote under the guise of modernisation and their criticism of our heritage without attempting to understand its significance and trying to gain its essence. I believe we must reinstate the council and take control of the witenagemot and eventually the wizarding world before it's too late to save our country and her magic. With this, I rest my point."

His speech was received with quiet. After a stretch of silence, when no one speaks, Lord Ragnarok questions, "Any objections or counter questions?" This time it is Lord Greengrass who raises his wand. "Lord Greengrass you may proceed." acknowledges the Gobin king.

"Lord Malfoy, I agree with you and have no objection regarding the reintegration of the House of Weasely and Prewet into the council. I want to rather voice another concern actually 2 of them concerns. First, Even after reestablishing both these houses, we are still one seat short of a full-fledged council as the seat of the House of Gaunt is still unclaimed. And without all the seats claimed, we will not be able to exercise our complete power. My second is regarding the House of Granger. Why didn't we remember its existence in the sacred 12 until now? In fact, we had completely forgotten its existence in Avalon (Magical Britain)."

"You raise a valid point, Lord Greengrass." It was Sirius or Lord Black who answered this time. "But rest assured, everything is under control. I know you all might be wondering how it is possible as Lord Gaunt has gone astray, and without him, it's not possible to claim the seat of the House of Gaunt. Worry not, Lord Gaunt might not be here at present right now to claim the seat but his rightful heir is present right between us. He will represent the House of Gaunt on Behalf of Lord Gaunt."

Ragnarok took charge, "To answer your second question, the wizarding world indeed seems to have forgotten the existence of the House of Granger until now. It was the effect of a curse put on the entire Granger clan a century ago by a notorious wizard during a battle. Since the curse was not reversible, to prevent the extinction of the House of Granger, he prophesied that a powerful witch would be born in this clan after a century. She will reunite the clans of Dagworths and Grangers and claim the title of Lady Dagworth to revive the House of Dagworth. She will evoke the powers that were that were lying dormant and remind the Grangers of their true inheritance. Only then will they be able to recognise their legacy and reclaim their standing in Avalon."

This declaration came as a shock not only to the entire council but to Harry and Hermione or, rather, Hadrian and Isabella as well. They had known about the curse, but Isabella or the now Lady Dagworth was the one prophesied to annihilate the curse, was something they were hearing for the first time. Everyone was so stunned by this revelation that they seemed to have forgotten that they were here for a very important ordeal.

Hadrian was absolutely livid with Dumbledore. He believed that the headmaster had not only caused him great harm but had also destroyed the life of Isabella, someone he deeply cared for. What made it even more painful was the realization that if they had never travelled back in time, Isabella would have remained completely unaware of the existence of the House of Granger, and none of them would have ever discovered the legacy that she carried within her.

Isabella's emotions were running high, and she was seething with anger. She was furious at the Headmaster for his actions against her family. If it hadn't been for Hadrian's presence, she would have barged into the Headmaster's office and given him a piece of her mind. She felt that the Headmaster had crossed the line, and she was not going to let it go. Isabella had not forgiven the Headmaster for coercing her into living away from her family every year, lying to them about her life, and compelling her to obliviate them. The pain of separation had been unbearable, and the memories still haunted her. This was the last straw for Isabella. Dumbledore had now earned an irate Isabella on his tail, and not even Lady Death herself could save him. Although Lady Death had no interest in saving him. Isabella was determined to make the Headmaster pay for his actions, and she would not rest until justice was served.

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