Chapter 1

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"Seonsaengnim, are you two dating?"

If Namjoon were a decade younger, he might've choked on his own spit at the absurdity of the question. Would've become all flustered and panicked and deny it with a flushed face and a stuttering answer.

Much to his dismay, however, Namjoon has become used to the question. He no longer grows red at the face, nor does he drop whatever unfortunate object may be in his hold. No. Namjoon has heard that question so much to the point that it no longer fazes him and he could just calmly answer a "No," and be done with it.

People would give him a look, and that clearly showed that they didn't believe it one bit. And they'd look at the other person in question, his friend and housemate, Kim Seokjin who would just wink in response. No doubt further puzzling whoever was curious of their relationship.

Namjoon has learned to deal with it.

He had met Kim Seokjin during his final year of high school. Seokjin was a university student who was two years his senior. Namjoon was foolish and naive at the time while Seokjin... well... Seokjin had been just foolish.

After several awkward situations during that year, they had become friends. Best friends. Seokjin helped him through the roughest parts of his life and Namjoon knew of no way to repay him.

Seokjin is a kind person, always looking to help others in any way he could. He was humorous, charismatic, and everyone loved him.

The man is also extremely good looking. Enough to turn the heads of any man or woman in his perimeter. His main focus was always flustering people, it was also a natural talent of his.

People would assume that Namjoon was also one of these people, but again, Namjoon had gotten used to it.

This time, however, he couldn't blame his new students for thinking that way. Seokjin had just barged into his classroom, squabbling with Namjoon that he had forgotten his lunch, again .

It wasn't only that; Seokjin had also noticed that Namjoon hadn't properly styled his hair and proceeded to run his fingers through it to get it to look right.

Obviously, this act is embarrassing when he is just about to start introducing himself to his new homeroom class, first years no less, but Namjoon lets it be. He takes his lunch and lets Seokjin fix his hair without fighting.

It is then that one of the new students asks the question that everyone else in the room was wondering, "Are you two dating?"

"Yes," Seokjin says about the same time Namjoon firmly says, "No."

Namjoon gives Seokjin a look. "Stop telling my students that we're dating." He turns to the class full of teenagers. "He's just a friend."

He receives a bunch of incredulous looks. Again, Namjoon is used to this.

"You're no fun," Seokjin mutters under his breath, giving Namjoon a light punch on the arm. He glances at the clock, "Oh dear, I'm late for my class!" He exclaims, heading for the door. He is almost out until he stops and pokes his head back in. "Kim Seokjin by the way," he says to the students, "You may call me Jin if you wish. Or Mr. Worldwide Handsome, I don't mind either. Bye, Joon-ah!"

As he leaves he blows a kiss to Namjoon and then whisks away down the hall to the classroom next door. The students just stare at their professor who is hiding behind his hands. Wanting to disappear, yet again.

Namjoon sighs, turns around and gives his class a smile, the same one he always gives his students on the first day. "That," he begins, doing his best to focus on the task at hand, "will be your math professor, Kim Seokjin, if any of you are thinking of majoring in business for college, you may talk to him about extracurriculars."

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