Chapter 3

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Namjoon never really did take Seokjin's offer. He was always itching to text him, but he never did. Never had the courage to.

What would he say?

What would he do?

He focused on his studies instead. Focused on keeping his grades high in order to maintain his scholarship. That way, he wouldn't lose his perk of staying at the dorms.

Speaking of his dorm life, his roommate was nice. Quiet, but nice. Yoongi was always busy due to him being a second year representative. There were nights when both of them were pulling all nighters and depending on loads of coffee to keep themselves awake. Yoongi didn't really speak much, unless it involved scolding Namjoon for leaving his towel on the floor or not picking up his snacks after eating. There had been one time where they got mad at each other and started throwing their laundry across the room, the dorm rep had to come in and tell them to shut up. Although Namjoon didn't really remember why they had fought that day, honestly. After that day, Min Yoongi was tolerable.

On days where he didn't have classes, he would go out and take walks around campus or just go sit at a park and read on his own. Because of this, Jackson suggested he join a club. And Namjoon did. At the start of his second semester, he joined the SNU Buddy club, a volunteer group that helped foreign exchange students adjust to life in Korea and make friends. As the fall festival was approaching, each club had to submit their participation form.

"We should actually participate this year," their club leader, Matthew Kim, stated over drinks. "The problem is the foreigners would rather walk about and experience the festival itself rather than cook or anything like that."

"It's too much work anyway," Amber Lui replied, sipping her soju. "We can never think of a good concept anyway."

"Welp," their senior, Eric Nam, slurred, "let's see who'll be the one to go and fill out the paperwork tomorrow!"

With a game of rock, paper, scissors, it was decided that Namjoon would be the one to go do all the paperwork. Lucky him.

He went after his morning classes, which he struggled to get up for considering how much his sunbaes made him drink the night before, and picked up the paperwork. After his afternoon classes were over, he walked up to the student representatives' office to turn it in. Door being wide open, he stepped inside and glanced around.

"Excuse me," he called out when he didn't see anyone around.

"Hi! How can I help you?"

The voice made Namjoon jump. He all but jerked to the side to see Kim Seokjin sitting on a couch in the far corner. Namjoon's heart did a quick flip. It had been months since he last saw Seokjin. He had forgotten how handsome he was, and wow was he handsome. Even when his hair was slightly messy from just waking up from a nap, Seokjin could give actors a run for their money.

"Oh," Seokjin said when he took in who it was. "Kim Namjoon, right?"

Surprised he still remembered his name, it took Namjoon a few seconds to nod. He was sure he was being weird, awkward even. Still, Seokjin smiled, unfazed as he stood and pressed down on the wrinkles from his pants and shirt.

"Long time no see. Have you adjusted well?"

All Namjoon did was nod. Lucky for him, Seokjin didn't seem to mind him not speaking. "Good. So what brings you here?"

"Um." Namjoon blanked for a moment, forgetting his original purpose for coming in. He looked down at the sheet of paper in his hands, waiting for his brain to function.

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