Chapter 2

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Namjoon makes it a habit to not stare at people. He had always found it rude. Not to mention it tended to make the other person insecure or uncomfortable. At the moment however, he really couldn't help himself he just straight out stared at the guy in front of him, gawking.

The guy before him was almost his height, perhaps a bit taller. He was wider than Namjoon, especially around the shoulders. His hair was a light pink, styled like those idols Namjoon sometimes came across on YouTube, and that was exactly what this guy looked like. A celebrity. An idol. Big, round eyes, plump lips, and his face was so smooth, Namjoon was tempted to touch it but held himself back because there was no way he was going to be labeled as a pervert on his first day. Or any day for that matter.

The handsome guy cocked his head at him, an amused look slowly appearing on his face. "You might want to close your mouth," he tells Namjoon. "Lots of bugs around here."

Namjoon didn't even know his jaw had dropped. Embarrassed, he immediately snapped his mouth shut, bit his tongue in the process and winced. If Mr. Handsome noticed, he didn't make any indication of it other than a brief snort.

"So where're you heading?" Mr. Handsome asked him. "I can help you with your bags if you want."

Namjoon noticed the campus ID on the guy. The name was too small for him to catch a glimpse of it. He cleared his throat, felt like there was a lump in his throat so he instead pulled out his phone and showed the guy the email.

Mr. Handsome squinted at the image, nodded. "306, building D. Great," he says with a lot of pep, clapping his hands together. "Just that building D is the building next to this one. You're lucky I caught you before you started going up the stairs."

Namjoon ducked his head into his scarf, feeling his cheeks flaming. The guy gives him a reassuring smile. It's beautiful, blinding even.

"Hey, don't sweat it. Everyone gets lost on their first day. Let's just focus on getting you where you need to go."

He took three of Namjoon's bags, leaving Joon with the other three. Together they exited the building and walked towards their destination, thankfully the next building wasn't too far away.

"First year orientation is tomorrow," Mr. Handsome explained as they walk. "You should've been sent an email that tells you where each department is meeting up. Be there on time so you can meet your classmates. Then you'll be moved to the auditorium, where the professors will talk your ear off about a bunch of boring, but important, stuff. After that you'll all probably go out for drinks to get to know each other just so you all can have a hangover for the next day where you'll hop on the bus and go to the resort for the rest of orientation. Any questions?"

Namjoon shook his head. Mr. Handsome gave him a smile. "Not very talkative, are you? Let me know if I'm annoying you. My friends say I'm like mold, I'll eventually grow on you."

Whoever said such a thing to such a beautiful person really needed to get a reality check. Not even ten minutes had passed during their first meeting and Namjoon's opinion of the guy was fairly positive.

He went up the stairs with Namjoon's bags as if it were a walk in the park. Namjoon mentally noted that he should start going to a gym, because the flight of the stairs was exhausting for him, but Mr. Handsome hadn't even broken a sweat.

"Here we are," he cheerfully sang when they reached the second door to the left. "Room 306, Kim Namjoon."

The bags are gently placed on the floor in front of the door. Namjoon took out his key, opened the door, and then took a few steps into the room, glancing around at his new living space.

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