Taking The Sliver To Sam

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Mikaela walked inside her father's shop and saw her dog, "Hi, Bones! Hi. Hi. Oh, you're such a good boy. What a good boy you are. Hey, Bones. You hungry?" Unknowingly, a tiny Decepticon, Wheelie, watched under a table.

"There you go." Her phone goes off, and she answers in an annoyed mutter, "Yes, Samuel?"

"Hello? Mikaela?"

Mikaela sits in her chair, "I can't believe you're gonna stand me up on our first web chat date."

"Something just happened to me, okay?"

"What- you finally hit puberty?"

Wheelie moves around the shop as she talks to Sam and stops beside a safe where the dog is eating. Sam answers her in a panicked tone, "No, no, no. Stop laughing. This is serious, okay. Remember I was telling you about my great-great-grandfather, Archibald Witwicky? Remember? Watch it, watch it, watch... No! Okay, remember how I was telling you how, okay, can you stop? Watch the foot! Watch your foot! Mikaela, okay, my great-great-grandfather went on this Arctic mission, right? And he saw Megatron. Megatron zapped him, and he started seeing these crazy symbols. Okay. Well, now I'm seeing them, too. Excuse me. I just read a nine hundred and three page astronomy book in thirty-two point six seconds. I had a meltdown in the middle of my class. I am seeing symbols ever since I..."

Mikaela sits up in her seat, "Since what?" Back on the campus, Sam looks around, "Ever since I touched the Cube splinter. Do you have it?"

Mikaela answers with a huff, "Yeah, I have it. It's in the shop safe. It's fine."

"Mik- Mikaela, do not touch it, okay? Don't touch it."

"I'm not gonna touch it. Sam, it's fine. It's locked away. No one knows where it is."

Wheelie looks up at the safe and chuckles, "I do! Ah-ha. You're hot, but you ain't too bright." Wheelie grabs a small stack of books and starts to make his way to the safe, "There we go. Yeah, that will work." 


"Ooh damn- son of a bitch!" Wheelie looks to see his foot in a mousetrap, and then his other foot sticks to oil on a sheet. "What are you looking at, slobber-puss? Ah- what the? This place is a freaking house of horrors! Ooh... pain... it hurts..." The dog watches the Decepticon, and Mikaela looks to see where the noise is coming from, "Hold on."

Wheelie steps on the stack and moves the dial, "Right to five, then tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-" Mikaela grabs Wheelie, making him shriek, "Is that the best you got, huh? Is that the best you can do? Ah!" Mikaela slams him against the safe, "What are you doing here, you little freak?" She torches his left eye.

"Aaa! That's my eye, you crazy bitch!"

"You gonna talk now?"

Wheelie gasped as his eye dangled, "Ow, ow, ow! I seek knowledge from the Cube. The Fallen demands me!"

"What knowledge?"

Wheelie starts to talk fast, "You got the shard. I need the shard, gimme the shard, I need the shard, gimme the shard, they're gonna whack me! I'm gonna be dead without that shard!" Mikaela grunts, slamming Wheelie harder.

"Easy, warrior goddess, I'm just a little salvage-scrap drone!"

"And I'm your worst nightmare." She throws the Decepticon into a chest and locks it. Wheelie is heard shouting, "Ow ow ow. Hey, hey, hey!"

Sam is heard on the phone, "What the hell was that?"

Mikaela picks up her phone and grabs her keys, "I'll tell you later, just not on an open phone line, okay? I'm gonna get on a plane right now, and I'll be there later this afternoon. Just be careful, Sam."

Mikaela heads to the airport and stops in front of a Customs official, "And have any strangers given you anything suspicious to carry on today?" He asks.

"Yeah, a live bomb!" Wheelie shouts before Mikaela stomps her foot on the box, "No."


Sam is making indistinct, crazed mutterings as he paints on the walls of his dorm room, unaware that a tiny speaker is attached to his shirt. Hornet listened to his muttering and worryingly turned to Optimus, "Something happened to Sam."

Optimus looks at Hornet and listens to Sam muttering. After a moment, he turns to the other Autobots, "Autobots! Roll out!" The team sends out an SOS, and they head quickly away. Bumblebee meets them and drives side-by-side with Hornet and Optimus.

Back on base, two Soldiers watch their computers and contact Major Lennox and the Pentagon, "Major, incoming SOS from Autobots!- Multiple Decepticon contacts in motion. Vicinity- Eastern United States, sir!" General Morshower makes his way into the Pentagon, "As in, how many?"

"Unclear, sir."

"Well, get clear."

A soldier turns to Lennox and says, "The Autobots are on the move, splitting into two teams, sir. They're not answering our calls, and they're heading to New York and Philadelphia." Lennox turns to his team, "All right, full weapons deployment. Wheels up in 20 minutes!"

"All clear!- Move it!- Let's go!"

At the same time, an Announcer calls out, "Flight Fifty-Seven, welcome to Philadelphia." Mikaela exits the plane with the Decepticon in tow.

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