Saving Sam

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Hornet listens on her radio, hearing Sam talking to a girl. The conversation certainly made her cringe. She side glances at Bumblebee, and the two sped faster. Optimus trails after them, knowing that Hornet has heard something wrong.

"Hornet? What happened?"

"Um... I don't think you want to know what was said, Optimus..." Hornet mutters. She messes with the radio and hears Mikaela and an unknown male with them. "She's coming!" Mikaela shouts. Sam shouts, "She's an alien robot! You gotta move."

"This real?" Hornet hears the male shout.

"Just run!"

Hornet turns off the radio, "Optimus! There was a Decepticon disguised in the College Campus!" Optimus moves next to the 1950s Hudson Hornet, "Quickly! We must protect Sam!"

"Bee! Full speed!" Hornet communicates. Her connection with Bumblebee activates, "Right away, Earth Angel!"

Hornet turns the radio back on in time to hear Sam vomiting and Mikaela asking a question to someone, "Who are you?" It was the male that was with them, "Leonardo Ponce De Leon Spitz. Okay? I'm the key to this. The aliens, they want me 'cause of my site. Whoa! Whoa, guys, right there!" Hornet hears an explosion and screams. 

"Run!" Leo shouts.

"Mikaela! Come on! We gotta move!" Sam is heard. Hornet shuts off the radio after hearing Mikaela hotwire a car and destroy the Decepticon once they reach the town. Hornet glances up to see a helicopter snag a vehicle and lift it up in the air. The team moves faster to see a passenger in the car slide out, holding tightly to the door. The hybrid turns on the radio.

"Saaam!" Mikaela screams.

The Autobots watch the car fall into a warehouse. Hornet hears Starscream and Megatron. "It's Megatron!" She shouts. Moving quickly, they reach the building to hear Sam yell, "Wait, wait, wai--" The Autobots burst into the room, shooting at Megatron and Starscream. Sam, Mikaela and Leo move away from the fight and head right outside.

Optimus fires a bullet at Megatron, hitting him in the chest. Megatron falls back in pain, "No!" Hornet transforms and opens the door, "Sam!" Sam runs up to Hornet and gets in the passenger seat. Moving quickly, Optimus follows Hornet out of the warehouse and into the woods.

"Here he comes!" Sam shouts. Hornet sees Megatron ram into Optimus. Transforming, Hornet gets Sam out of the way, "Hide, Sam!" She grunts and hits Megatron, "Weak!" Megatron growls as he is hit.

Optimus joins her and punches Megatron, "Puny!" Megatron grunts as he falls back, "Unh!" Hornet fires at Megatron in the face, "Waste of- metal! Junkyard- crap!" Megatron shouts, "Decepticons!" Starscream appears and chases Sam, "Come here, boy." Sam runs from the Decepticons, maneuvering through the trees.

Megatron roars and grunts as he attacks Hornet and Starscream is chased by Optimus, who chases Sam. Melly Hornet grunts and fires at Starscream as Optimus attacks another Decepticon.

Megatron hits the Hybrid, "There is another source of Energon hidden on this planet. The boy could lead us to it." In slow motion, Hornet releases a groan, and is tossed to the ground. Sam shouts out her name, "Melly!"

She spits out a tooth and rolls to her side. Megatron growls at her, "Is the future of our race not worth a single human life?" Sam looks at her from under a fallen tree, "Up! Get up!" Hornet glares at him, "You'll never stop at one! I'll take you ALL on!" Hornet pulls out her swords and Optimus joins her side as they fought Starscream, Grindor, and Megatron.

"Aah- Oof!" Megatron is tossed aside by Optimus as Hornet sliced Starscream's arm off, "My arm!" The Decepticon yells. Hornet releases a battle roar and ripped Grindor's face off with the blades.

"Piece of tin." Hornet turns to see Megatron about to strike Optimus, but with inhuman speed, she tosses the blade at his shoulder. Megatron roars and falls. Optimus began to search for Sam as Hornet calls out for the boy, "Sam! Where are you?"

Megatron gets up and notices Hornet near him with her back towards him. He sneaks up behind her and hisses. Hornet felt her world stop as Megatron plunges his blade into her back, through her chest. She releases a painful scream, "No!"

"You're so weak!" Megatron hisses in her ear, pushing the blade further in her chest. Optimus hears her pained screams and runs to see Megatron fire his cannon in her back. "HORNET!" Optimus shouts. Megatron releases Hornet and she collapses to the ground. Her red and blue optics lock onto Sam as Optimus dashes up to her.

The Fallen releases a long growl, sensing Hornet's death, "The last Hybrid is dead!" He stands up from his throne, removing the tubes and wires.

"Sam, run. Ru..." Hornet's eyes dimmed. Sam stands up and runs. Optimus calls out at the other Autobots appeared, "Autobots, attack!" Bumblebee appears and Jazz turns to him, "Bumblebee, get them out of here!" Sam jumps in the Camaro and looks out the window as Optimus and the Autobots attacked the remaining Decepticons. Once they were gone, Optimus approaches the Hybrid's body, "Hornet..."

Lennox then receives a call from the Autobots as he flew in the air, "This is Lennox..." The soldier's eyes lowered at the news from Optimus Prime.

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