4- Untouchable

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* This scene has sensitive material. If you are struggling with self harm and can be triggered easily, skip this part.* Harry's POV
I walked into my first class and looked over to where Louis usually sat. He wasn't there. I frown. Thoughts immediately flooded my head. Had I scared him off with what happened last night? I didn't mean to snap at him, I just got frustrated because I poured my heart out to him and he did nothing about it. I loved him. I have loved him since I moved here in year 8. I was too chicken to tell him. "Mr. Styles, read page 108 for me." The teacher says, flipping to page 108. I sigh and begin to read.
Louis' POV
I quickly dialled Harry's number. Harry was the only one I thought to call. I don't know why it was him, considering what happened last night. Harry answered on the first ring, which was surprising because he was in school. "Lou, are you all right?" Harry quickly asks. I blush at the nickname he assigned me. "Harry, I need you. I'm scared. I-I cut this morning and I've been dizzy and nauseous all day." I blurt out. I finally stopped bleeding, but I was still weak. Harry was silent for the longest time. I was worried he thought I was looking for attention or looking for an excuse for him to come over. After I left his house, I felt horrible and couldn't stand myself. He poured his heart out to me, only to get a lousy 'oh' from me. I imagine coming out was hard for him- much harder than it was for me. My friends accepted my sexuality pretty easily. They all expected it. No one expects it from Harry.

"I'll be over as soon as I can. Have you eaten? What's your favourite food? You need to eat." Harry says, panting as if he was running to his car. "I don't care, Harry." I reply, covering up with my blanket. "Are you laying down? You need to lie down. Drink some orange juice if you can, it'll help you feel stronger." Harry suggests. I smile weakly. Why was he so concerned? I mean, I thought he would care, but I never imagined he would be this thoughtful. "I'm laying down, Hazza. Please hurry." I say, before closing my eyes.

I woke as I heard a car door slam. "Louis, are you okay?" Harry asks, gently shaking my arm. I rub the sleep out of my eyes as I nod. Harry smiled a small smile and handed me a McDonalds bag that smelled of greasy hamburgers. "How'd you know I love their hamburgers?" I ask, sitting up and opening the bag. "They're my favourite." Harry mumbles, his eyes searching my body for evidence of the cutting. "Really? You don't look like you eat these too often." I say, shoving the greasy food in my mouth. Harry was right, I did need to eat. Harry smirks and looks over at me, lowering himself to the ground. I watched as he leaned his back against the couch. "Are you complimenting my physique?" Harry asks, with a cocky tone. I smile and roll my eyes. "You are way too confident." I say, washing my food down with the taste of Sprite.
After a few moments of silence, I suggested Harry get comfortable. "You can sit next to me, you know. I don't bite." I say, scooting over. Harry smiles and moves from his position on the floor to beside of me. I snuggle up into his side. I wasn't sure why I was being brave; maybe it was because I knew he was gay and didn't mind it when guys were close to him. But he did have that one guy in mind. I pushed all thoughts aside as Harry wrapped his arm around me. In that moment, I felt untouchable. The love of my life was holding me close. Nothing could hurt me. Nothing could stop the way I was feeling towards Harry, regardless if he had another in mind.

(A/N- I'm feeling depressed and physically drained so the next few parts might be sucky. Just stick with me and I'll promise it'll pay off x)

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